US Armed Forces Order of Battle
While not quite just a rough draft anymore, this is a fairly continously revised list. Please
note that this order of battle reflects wartime, operational command and control rather
than peacetime administrative command and control. For example, you will find I Corps
under US Army Pacific rather than US Army Forces Command. Purely training
establishments have not been included.
Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Neil Baumgardner
Last Updated: April 17, 2006
Department of Defense (Pentagon, Washington, DC)
US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) (Offut AFB, NE)
o Joint Information Operations Center (Offut AFB, NE)
o Strategic Communications Wing 1 (SCW 1) (TACAMO) (E-6B) (Tinker
o 20th Air Force (Francis E Warren AFB, WY)
90th Space Wing (LGM-118A, LGM-30G, UH-1N) (Francis E
Warren AFB, WY)
91st Space Wing (LGM-30G, UH-1N) (Minot AFB, ND)
341st Space Wing (LGM-30G, UH-1N) (Malmstrom AFB, MT)
o (8th Air Force (Barksdale AFB, LA))
o 14th Air Force / US Space Air Force (USSPACEAF) (Vandenburg AFB,
21st Space Wing (Missile Warning) (Peterson AFB, CO)
30th Space Wing (Missile Testing and Booster Launching) (LGM-
30G, LGM-118A, UH-1N) (Vandenburg AFB, CA)
45th Space Wing (Booster Launching and NASA Support) (Patrick
50th Space Wing (Satellite Operations) (Schriever AFB, CO)
614th Space Operations Group (Vandenburg AFB, CA)
460th Air Base Wing (Buckley ANGB, CO)
o Naval Submarine Forces (NAVSUBFOR) (NB Norfolk, VA)
Submarine Force Atlantic Fleet (SUBLANT) (NB Norfolk, VA)
Submarine Group 10 (SUBGRU 10) (NSB King's Bay,
Submarine Squadron 16 (SUBRON 16) (NSB
King's Bay, GA)
Submarine Squadron 20 (SUBRON 20) (NSB
King's Bay, GA)
Submarine Force Pacific Fleet (SUBPAC) (NB Pearl Harbor, HI)
Submarine Group 9 (SUBGRU 9) (NSB Bangor, WA)
Submarine Squadron 17 (SUBRON 17) (NSB
Bangor, WA)
Submarine Squadron 19 (SUBRON 19) (NSB
Bangor, WA)
o Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) (Peterson AFB, CO)
(20th Air Force (Francis E Warren AFB, WY))
(14th Air Force / US Space Air Force (USSPACEAF)
(Vandenburg AFB, CA))
o Fleet Forces Command (FFC) (NB Norfolk, VA)
(Naval Submarine Forces (NAVSUBFOR) (NB Norfolk, VA))
o US Army Space and Missile Defense Command (USARSPACE) / US
Army Forces Strategic Command (USARSTRAT) (Arlington, VA)
100th Missile Defense Brigade (Ground-based Missile Defense)
(Peterson AFB< CO)
1st Space Brigade (Provisional) (Peterson AFB, CO?)
o Marine Forces Strategic Command (MARFORSTRAT) (Offut AFB, NE)
o US Naval Network Warfare Command (NETWARCOM) (NAB Little
Creek, VA)
o Joint Task Force-Global Network Operations (Offut AFB, NE)
US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) (Peterson AFB, CO)
o North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) (Peterson AFB,
Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center (Peterson AFB, CO)
1st Air Force / Continental US (CONUS) NORAD Region
(Tyndall AFB, FL)
Northeast Air Defense Sector (NY ANG) (Rome, NY)
102nd Fighter Wing (MA ANG) (F-15A/B, C-26B)
(Otis ANGB, MA)
158th Fighter Wing (VT ANG) (F-16C/D, C-26B)
(Burlington IAP, VT)
Detachment 1, 119th Fighter Wing (ND ANG) (F-
16A/B (Langley AFB, VA)
Southeast Air Defense Sector (FL ANG) (Tyndall AFB,
125th Fighter Wing (FL ANG) (F-15A/B, C-26B)
(Jacksonville IAP, FL)
Detachment 1 (FL ANG) (F-15A/B)
(Homestead ARB, FL)
147th Fighter Wing (TX ANG) (F-16C/D, C-26B)
(Ellington ANGB, Houston, TX)
Detachment 1, 148th Fighter Wing (MN ANG) (F-
16A/B) (Tyndall AFB, FL)
Western Air Defense Sector (WA ANG) (McChord AFB,
142nd Fighter Wing (OR ANG) (F-15A/B, C-26B)
(Portland IAP, OR)
119th Fighter Wing (ND ANG) (F-16A/B, C-26B)
(Hector Fd, ND)
120th Fighter Wing (MT ANG) (F-16A/B, C-26B)
(Great Falls IAP, MT)
144th Fighter Wing (CA ANG) (F-16C/D, C-26B)
(Fesno Air Terminal, CA)
Detachment 1 (CA ANG) (F-16C/D) (March
148th Fighter Wing (MN ANG) (F-16A/B, C-26B)
(Duluth IAP, MN)
(11th Air Force / Alaska NORAD Region (Elmendorf AFB, AK))
(1st Canadian Air Division / Canadian NORAD Region
(Winnipeg, MB))
o US Army North / US Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) (Ft Sam
Houston, TX)
o Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region (JFHQ-NCR) (Ft
McNair, DC)
3rd Infantry Regimental Combat Team (Ft Myer, VA)
Military District of Washington (MDW) (Ft McNair, DC)
11th Wing / Air Force District of Washington (Bolling AFB, DC)
Naval District Washington (NDW) (Washington Navy Yard, DC)
Marine Corps National Capital Region Command (MCNCRC)
(MCB Quantico, VA)
US Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) (Norfolk NB, VA)
o US Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) (Ft McPherson, GA)
III Corps (Ft Hood, TX)
1st Cavalry Division (Ft Hood, TX)
1st Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
2nd Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
3rd Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
4th Brigade (Ft Bliss, TX)
1st Air Cavalry Brigade (Ft Hood, TX (Deploys to
Iraq - Mid 2006)
Fires Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
Engineer Brigade? (Ft Hood, TX)
15th Support Brigade (Ft Hood, TX (Deploys to
Iraq - Mid 2006)
4th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (Ft Hood, TX
(Deployed to Iraq))
1st Brigade (Ft Hood, TX (Deployed to Iraq))
2nd Brigade (Ft Hood, TX (Deployed to Iraq))
3rd Brigade (Ft Carson, CO (Deployed to Iraq))
4th Brigade (Ft Hood, TX (Deployed to Iraq))
Aviation Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
Fires Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
Sustainment Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment (Ft Carson, CO (Deployed
to Iraq) / Moves to Ft Hood - June 2006)
6th Aviation Brigade (Ft Hood, TX?)
385th Aviation Regiment (Attack) (AZ ARNG)
(Phoenix, AZ)
63rd Aviation Group (Lift) (KY ARNG) (Frankfort,
21st Cavalry Brigade (Air Combat) (Combat Aviation
Training) (Ft Hood, TX)
III Corps Artillery (Ft Sill, OK)
17th Field Artillery Brigade (Ft Sill, OK (Deployed
to Iraq))
75th Field Artillery Brigade (Ft Sill, OK)
212th Field Artillery Brigade (Ft Sill, OK)
214th Field Artillery Brigade (Ft Sill, OK)
263rd Army Air and Missile Defense Command (SC
ARNG) (Anderson, SC)
31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Ft Bliss, TX)
420th Engineer Brigade (Corps) (USAR) (Bryan, TX)
89th Military Police Brigade (Ft Hood, TX (Deployed to
460th Chemical Brigade (USAR) (North Little Rock, AR)
13th Corps Support Command (Ft Hood, TX (Deploys to
Iraq mid-2006))
4th Corps Materiel Management Center (Ft Hood,
64th Corps Support Group (Ft Hood, TX)
164th Corps Support Group (USAR) (Mesa, AZ)
172nd Support Group (USAR) (Broken Arrow, OK
(Deployed to Iraq))
1st Medical Brigade (Ft Hood, TX (Deployed to
807th Medical Brigade (USAR) (Seagoville, TX)
338th Medical Group (USAR) (Chester, PA)
Phantom Support Group (Ft Hood, TX?)
937th Engineer Group (Combat) (Combat Support and
Combat Service Support) (Ft Riley, KS)
3rd Signal Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
504th Military Intelligence Brigade (Ft Hood, TX
(Deployed to Iraq))
3rd Air Support Operations Group (USAF) (Ft Hood, TX)
XVIII Airborne Corps (Ft Bragg, NC)
3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized) (Ft Stewart, GA)
1st Brigade (Ft Stewart, GA)
2nd Brigade (Ft Stewart, GA)
3rd Brigade (Ft Benning, GA)
4th Brigade (Ft Stewart, GA)
Aviation Brigade (Hunter AAF)
Division Fires Brigade (Ft Stewart, GA)
Division Support Brigade (Ft Stewart, GA)
10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) (Ft Drum, NY
(Deployed to Afghanistan))
1st Brigade (Ft Drum, NY (Deployed to Iraq))
2nd Brigade (Ft Drum, NY (Deploys to Iraq mid-
3rd Brigade (Ft Drum, NY (Deployed to
4th Brigade (Ft Polk, LA)
10th Multi-Function Aviation Brigade (Ft Drum,
10th Support Brigade (Ft Drum, NY)
82nd Airborne Division (Ft Bragg, NC)
1st Brigade / 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment (Ft
Bragg, NC (Deployed to Afghanistan))
2nd Brigade / 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment (Ft
Bragg, NC)
3rd Brigade / 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment
(Ft Bragg, NC (Deploys to Iraq mid-2006))
4th Brigade / 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment (Ft
Bragg, NC)
82nd Aviation Brigade (Ft Bragg, NC)
Division Artillery / 319th Field Artillery Regiment
(Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC)
82nd Sustainment Brigade / Division Support
Command (Ft Bragg, NC)
101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) (Ft Campbell, KY
(Deployed to Iraq))
1st Brigade / 327th Infantry Regiment (Ft
Campbell, KY (Deployed to Iraq))
2nd Brigade / 502nd Infantry Regiment (Ft
Campbell, KY (Deployed to Iraq))
3rd Brigade / 187th Infantry Regiment (Ft
Campbell, KY (Deployed to Iraq))
4th Brigade / 506th Infantry Regiment (Ft
Campbell, KY (Deployed to Iraq?))
101st Aviation Brigade (Ft Campbell, KY
(Deployed to Iraq))
159th Aviation Brigade (Assault) (Ft Campbell,
Division Artillery (Ft Campbell, KY)
Division Support Command (Ft Campbell, KY)
(11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (OPFOR) (Ft Irwin, CA)
18th Aviation Brigade (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC (Deployed
to Iraq))
449th Aviation Group (Lift) (NC ARNG) (Kinston,
XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery (Ft Bragg, NC)
18th Field Artillery Brigade (Airborne) (Ft Bragg,
54th Field Artillery Brigade (VA ARNG) (Virginia
Beach, VA)
103rd Field Artillery Brigade (RI ARNG)
(Providence, RI)
113th Field Artillery Brigade (NC ARNG)
(Greensboro, NC)
130th Field Artillery Brigade (KS ARNG) (Topeka,
135th Field Artillery Brigade (MO ARNG)
(Sedalia, MO)
138th Field Artillery Brigade (KY ARNG)
(Lexington, KY)
142nd Field Artillery Brigade (AR ARNG)
(Fayetteville, AR)
147th Field Artillery Brigade (SD ARNG) (Sioux
Falls, SD)
151st Field Artillery Brigade (SC ARNG) (Sumter,
169th Field Artillery Brigade (CO ARNG) (Aurora,
196th Field Artillery Brigade (TN ARNG)
(Chattanooga, TN)
197th Field Artillery Brigade (NH ARNG)
(Manchester, NH)
209th Field Artillery Brigade (NY ARNG)
(Rochester, NY)
108th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Ft Bliss, TX)
16th Military Police Brigade (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC
(Deployed to Iraq))
20th Engineer Brigade (Combat) (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC
(Deployed to Iraq))
30th Engineer Brigade (Theater Army) (NC ARNG)
(Charlotte, NC)
525th Military Intelligence Brigade (Airborne) (Ft Bragg,
NC (Deployed to Iraq))
35th Signal Brigade (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC (Deployed
to Iraq))
1st Corps Support Command (Ft Bragg, NC (Deployed to
2nd Support Center (Ft Bragg, NC)
24th Corps Support Group (Ft Stewart, GA)
46th Corps Support Group (Airborne) (Ft Bragg,
101st Corps Support Group (Ft Campbell, KY)
507th Corps Support Group (Airborne) (Ft Bragg,
30th Corps Support Group (NC ARNG) (Durham,
(350th Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (Pensacola, FL))
44th Medical Brigade (Ft Bragg, NC)
Dragon Brigade (Rear Operations Headquarters) (Ft Bragg,
18th Air Support Operations Group (Pope AFB, NC)
32nd Air and Missile Defense Command (Ft Bliss, TX)
11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Ft Bliss, TX)
(35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Osan AB, South
Detachment 1 (FL ARNG) (Orlando, FL)
Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM) / 9th
Army Signal Command (Ft Huachuca, AZ)
11th Signal Brigade (Ft Huachuca, AZ)
21st Signal Brigade (Ft Detrick, MD)
(5th Signal Command (Mannheim, Germany))
2nd Signal Brigade (Mannheim, Germany)
7th Signal Brigade (Mannheim, Germany)
(311th Theater Signal Command (USAR) (Ft Meade, MD))
1st Signal Brigade (Seoul, South Korea)
335th Theater Signal Command (USAR) (East Point, GA
(Deployed to to Kuwait))
160th Signal Brigade (Strategic) (Cp Arifjan,
(93rd Signal Brigade (Ft Gordon, GA))
(516th Signal Brigade (Ft Shafter, HI))
52nd Ordnance Group (Ft Gillem, GA)
111th Ordnance Group (AL ARNG) (Ft Gillem, GA)
National Training Center (NTC) (Ft Irwin, CA)
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (OPFOR) (Ft Irwin, CA)
Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) (Ft Polk, LA)
Warrior Brigade (Support) (Ft Polk, LA)
1st US Army (Ft Gillem, GA)
24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (Ft Riley, KS)
30th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (Enhanced
Readiness) (NC ARNG) (Clinton, NC)
48th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (Enhanced
Readiness) (GA ARNG) (Macon, GA (Deployed to
218th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (Enhanced
Readiness) (SC ARNG) (Newberry, SC)
28th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (PA ARNG)
(Harrisburg, PA)
2nd Brigade (Mechanized) (PA ARNG)
(Washington, PA (Deployed to Iraq))
55th Armored Brigade (PA ARNG) (Scranton, PA)
56th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (PA ARNG)
(Philadelphia, PA)
28th Aviation Brigade (PA ARNG) (Ft Indiantown
Gap, PA)
Division Artillery (PA ARNG) (Hershey, PA)
28th Engineer Brigade (VA ARNG) (Ft A.P. Hill,
Division Support Command (PA ARNG) (?, PA)
34th Infantry Division (Medium) (MN ARNG)
(Rosemount, MN)
1st Brigade (Mechanized) (MN ARNG) (Stillwater,
MN (Deploys to Iraq mid-2006))
2nd Brigade (Air Assault) (IA ARNG) (Boone, IA
(Deployed to Task Force Falcon))
34th Aviation Brigade (MN ARNG) (St Paul, MN)
Division Artillery (MN ARNG) (Brooklyn Park,
34th Engineer Brigade (Mechanized) (ND ARNG)
(Bismarck, ND)
Division Support Command (MN ARNG)
(Bloomington, MN)
35th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (KS ARNG) (Ft
Leavenworth, KS)
149th Armored Brigade (KY ARNG) (Louisville,
66th Infantry Brigade (Air Assault) (IL ARNG)
(Dacatur, IL)
35th Aviation Brigade (MO ARNG) (Warrensburg,
Division Artillery (KS ARNG) (Hutchinson, KS)
Engineer Brigade (MO ARNG) (Ft Leanord Wood,
Division Support Command (MO ARNG)
38th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (IN ARNG)
(Indianapolis, IN)
2nd Brigade (IN ARNG) (Kokomo, IN)
37th Armored Brigade (OH ARNG) (N Canton,
46th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (MI ARNG)
(Wyoming, MI)
38th Aviation Brigade (IN ARNG) (Shelbyville,
Division Artillery (IN ARNG) (Indianapolis, IN)
Engineer Brigade (MI ARNG) (Flint, MI)
Division Support Command (IN ARNG)
(Indianapolis, IN)
42nd Infantry Division (Mechanized) (NY ARNG) (Troy,
3rd Brigade (Mechanized) (NY ARNG) (Buffalo,
50th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (NJ ARNG) (Ft
Dix, NJ)
86th Armored Brigade (VT ARNG) (Montpelier,
42nd Aviation Brigade (NY ARNG) (Patchogue,
Engineer Brigade (NY ARNG) (Buffalo, NY)
Division Support Command (NJ ARNG) (Somerset,
29th Infantry Division (Light) (VA ARNG) (Ft Belvoir,
1st Brigade / 116th Infantry Regiment (VA ARNG)
(Staunton, VA)
3rd Brigade (MD ARNG) (Pikesville Military
Reservation, MD)
26th Infantry Brigade (Light) (MA ARNG)
(Springfield, MA)
Division Aviation Brigade (MD ARNG) (Aberdeen
Proving Ground, MD)
Division Artillery (VA ARNG) (Sandston, VA)
Division Support Command (MD ARNG) (Towson,
155th Armored Brigade (Enhanced Readiness) (MS
ARNG) (Tupelo, MS (Deployed to Iraq))
27th Infantry Brigade (Light) (Enhanced Readiness) (NY
ARNG) (Syracuse, NY)
32nd Infantry Brigade (Light) (WI ARNG) (Madison, WI)
76th Infantry Brigade (Light) (Enhanced Readiness) (IN
ARNG) (Indianapolis, IN)
256th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (Enhanced
Readiness) (LA ARNG) (Lafayette, LA)
631st Field Artillery Brigade (MS ARNG) (Grenada, MS)
168th Engineer Group (MS ARNG) (Vicksburg, MS)
43rd Military Police Brigade (RI ARNG) (Warwick, RI)
244th Theater Aviation Brigade (Lift) (USAR) (Ft
Sheridan, IL)
31st Chemical Brigade (AL ARNG) (Northport, AL)
228th Signal Brigade (SC ARNG) (Spartanburg, SC)
261st Signal Brigade (DE ARNG) (Dover, DE)
184th Transportation Group (Composite) (MS ARNG)
(Laurel, MS)
78th Division (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Dix, NJ)
1st Brigade (Battle Command Staff Training)
(USAR) (Edison, NJ)
2nd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Drum,
4th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Bragg,
5th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Meade,
85th Division (Training Support) (USAR) (Arlington
Heights, IL)
1st Brigade (Battle Command Staff Training)
(USAR) (Ft Sheridan, IL)
2nd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
McCoy, WI)
3rd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Benjamin Harrison, IN)
4th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Knox,
87th Division (Exercise) (USAR) (Birmingham, AL)
1st Brigade (Battle Command Staff Training)
(USAR) (Birmingham, AL)
2nd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Patrick
3rd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Cp
Shelby, MS)
4th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Stewart, GA)
5th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Jackson, SC)
5th US Army (Ft Sam Houston, TX)
7th Infantry Division (Light) (Ft Carson, CO)
39th Infantry Brigade (Light) (Enhanced Readiness)
(AR ARNG) (Little Rock, AR)
41st Infantry Brigade (Light) (Enhanced Readiness)
(OR ARNG) (Portland, OR)
45th Infantry Brigade (Light) (Enhanced Readiness)
(OK ARNG) (Oklahoma City, OK)
36th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (TX ARNG) (Austin,
56th Cavalry Brigade (TX ARNG) (Fort Worth,
36th Infantry Brigade (TX ARN) (Houston, TX)
72nd Infantry Brigade (TX ARNG) (Dallas, TX)
Aviation Brigade (TX ARNG) (Austin, TX)
Division Artillery (TX ARNG) (San Antonio, TX)
Engineer Brigade (TX ARNG) (Austin, TX)
Division Support Command (TX ARNG) (Austin,
57th Field Artillery Brigade (WI ARNG) (Milwaukee, WI)
115th Engineer Group (Construction) (UT ARNG) (Draper,
300th Military Intelligence Brigade (Linguist) (UT ARNG)
(Draper, UT)
75th Division (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Sam
Houston, TX)
1st Brigade (Battle Command Staff Training)
(USAR) (Houston, TX)
2nd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Sam
Houston, TX)
3rd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Riley,
4th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Sill,
91st Division (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft. Baker, CA)
1st Brigade (Battle Command Staff Training)
(USAR) (Cp Parks, CA)
2nd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Carson, CO)
3rd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Oakland,
4th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Lewis,
67th Area Support Group (NE ARNG) (Lincoln, NE)
US Army Reserve Command (USARC) (Atlanta, GA)
63rd Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Los
Alamitos, CA)
104th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR)
(Vancouver Bks, WA)
1st Training Brigade (Military Police One-
Station Unit Training) (USAR) (Vancouver
Bks, WA)
3rd Brigade (Combat Support) (USAR)
(Vancouver Bks, WA)
4th Brigade (Combat Service Support) /
104th Regiment (USAR) (Cp Parks, CA)
5th Brigade (Health Services) (USAR) (Salt
Lake City, UT)
6th Brigade (Professional Development)
(USAR) (Aurora, CO)
7th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Lewis, WA)
8th Brigade (USAR) (SROTC) (?)
653rd Area Support Group (USAR) (Moreno
Valley, CA)
2nd Medical Brigade (USAR) (Hamilton Fd, CA)
70th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Ft Lawton,
654th Area Support Group (Tumwater, WA)
77th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Ft Totten,
800th Military Police Brigade (Enemy Prisoner of
War) (USAR) (Uniondale, NY)
455th Chemical Brigade (USAR) (Ft Dix, NJ)
98th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR)
(Rochester, NY)
1st Brigade (Military Police One-Station
Unit Training) (USAR) (Providence, RI)
2nd Brigade (Initial Entry Training) (USAR)
(Buffalo, NY)
3rd Brigade (Combat Support) (USAR)
(Bronx, NY)
4th Brigade (Combat Service Support)
(USAR) (West Hartford, CT)
5th Brigade (Health Services) (USAR) (Ft
Hamilton, NY)
6th Brigade (Professional Development)
(USAR) (Mattydale, NY)
7th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR)
(Rochester, NY)
8th Brigade (SROTC) (USAR) (West
Hartford, CT)
301st Area Support Group (USAR) (Flushing, NY)
8th Medical Brigade (USAR) (Ft Wadsworth, NY)
77th Infantry Division (Reinforcement Training
Unit) (USAR) (Ft Totten, NY)
81st Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Birmingham,
100th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR)
(Louisville, KY)
1st Brigade / 397th Cavalry Regiment
(Cavalry One-Station Unit Training)
(USAR) (Lexington, KY)
2nd Brigade (Initial Entry Training) (USAR)
(Owensboro, KY)
3rd Brigade / 100th Regiment (Combat
Support) (USAR) (Huntsville, AL)
4th Brigade (Combat Service Support)
(USAR) (Montgomery, AL)
5th Brigade (Health Services) (USAR)
(Memphis, TN)
6th Brigade (Professional Development)
(USAR) (Louisville, KY)
7th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Knox, KY)
8th Brigade (SROTC) (Louisville, KY)
108th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR)
(Charlotte, NC)
1st Brigade (Basic Combat Training)
(USAR) (Spartanburg, SC)
2nd Brigade (Basic Combat Training)
(USAR) (Ft Jackson, SC)
3rd Brigade (Combat Support) (USAR) (Ft
Jackson, SC)
4th Brigade (Combat Service Support)
(USAR) (Atlanta, GA)
5th Brigade (Health Services) (USAR)
(Jacksonville, FL)
6th Brigade (Professional Development)
(USAR) (Concord, NC)
7th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Jackson, SC)
8th Brigade (Multifunctional) (San Juan,
9th Brigade (SROTC) (USAR) (Charlotte,
926th Engineer Group (USAR) (Montgomery, AL)
415th Chemical Brigade (USAR) (Greenville, SC)
81st Regional Support Group (USAR) (Ft Jackson,
171st Area Support Group (USAR) (Garner, NC)
640th Area Support Group (USAR) (Nashville, TN)
641st Area Support Group (USAR) (St Petersburg,
642nd Area Support Group (USAR) (Ft Gordon,
1st Headquarters Brigade (USAR) (Nashville, TN)
332nd Medical Brigade (USAR) (Nashville, TN)
5th Medical Group (USAR) (Birmingham, AL)
88th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Fort
Snelling, MN)
84th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR)
(Milwaukee, WI)
1st Brigade (Infantry One-Station Unit
Training) (USAR) (Livonia, MI)
2nd Brigade (Basic Combat Training)
(USAR) (Beaver Dam, WI)
3rd Brigade (Combat Support) (USAR) (Ft
Snelling, MN)
4th Brigade (Combat Service Support)
(USAR) (Indianapolis, IN)
5th Brigade (Health Services) (USAR)
(Milwaukee, WI)
6th Brigade (Professional Development)
(USAR) (Waukegan, WI)
7th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR)
(Milwaukee, WI)
8th Brigade (SROTC) (USAR) (Milwaukee,
300th Military Police Command (USAR) (Inkster,
303rd Ordnance Group (USAR) (Springfield, IL)
88th Regional Readiness Group (USAR)
(Indianapolis, IN)
643rd Area Support Group (USAR) (Whitehall,
644th Area Support Group (USAR) (Ft Snelling,
645th Area Support Group (USAR) (Southfield,
646th Area Support Group (USAR) (Madison, WI)
330th Medical Brigade (USAR) (Ft Sheridan, IL)
307th Medical Group (USAR) (Whitehall,
89th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Wichita, KS)
95th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR)
(Oklahoma City, OK)
1st Brigade (Field Artillery One-Station
Unit Training) (USAR) (Lawton, OK)
2nd Brigade (Basic Combat Training)
(USAR) (Oklahoma City, OK)
3rd Brigade (Combat Support) (USAR)
(Broken Arrow, OK)
4th Brigade (Combat Service Support)
(USAR) (Dallas, TX)
5th Brigade (Health Services) (USAR) (San
Antonio, TX)
6th Brigade (Professional Development)
(USAR) (Topeka, KS)
7th Brigade / 379th Regiment (Training
Support) (USAR) (North Little Rock, AR)
8th Brigade (SROTC) Brigade (USAR)
(Oklahoma City, OK)
166th Aviation Brigade (Training Support) (Ft
Riley, KS)
561st Corps Support Group (USAR) (Omaha, NE)
917th Corps Support Group (USAR) (Belton, MO)
326th Area Support Group (USAR) (Kansas City,
648th Are Support Group (USAR) (St Louis, MO)
331st Medical Group (USAR) (Wichita, KS)
90th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Little Rock
647th Area Support Group (USAR) (El Paso, TX)
90th Regional Support Group (USAR) (San
Antonio, TX)
94th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Ft Devens,
167th Area Support Group (USAR) (Manchester,
NH (Deployed to Iraq))
804th Medical Brigade (USAR) (Ft Devens, MA)
96th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Ft Douglas,
650th Area Support Group (USAR) (Salt Lake City,
651st Area Support Group (USAR) (Denver, CO)
652nd Area Support Group (USAR) (Helena, MT)
99th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Moon
Township, PA)
220th Military Police Brigade (USAR)
(Gaithersburg, MD)
367th Military Police Group (USAR) (Ashley, PA)
80th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR)
(Richmond, VA)
1st Brigade / 318th Regiment (Military
Police One-Station Unit Training) (USAR)
(Ft Meade, MD)
2nd Brigade (Chemical One-Station Unit
Training) (USAR) (Salem, VA)
3rd Brigade (Combat Support) (USAR)
(Harrisburg, PA)
4th Brigade (Combat Service Support)
(USAR) (Charleston, WV)
5th Brigade (Health Services) (USAR)
(Wilmington, DE)
6th Brigade (Professional Development)
(USAR) (Ft Belvior, VA)
7th Brigade / 319th Regiment (Training
Support) (USAR) (Salem, VA)
8th Brigade (SROTC) (USAR) (Richmond,
38th Ordnance Group (USAR) (Charleston, WV)
475th Quartermaster Group (Petroleum & Water)
(USAR) (Farrell, PA)
656th Area Support Group (USAR) (NAS Willow
Grove, PA)
309th Medical Group (USAR) (Rockville, MD)
99th Headquarters Brigade (USAR) (Willow Grove,
o US Air Force Air Combat Command (ACC) (Langley AFB, VA)
(1st Air Force (Tyndall AFB, FL))
8th Air Force (Barksdale AFB, LA)
2nd Bomb Wing (B-52H) (Barksdale AFB, LA)
5th Bomb Wing (B-52H) (Minot AFB, ND)
(917th Wing (Fighter and Bomber) (AFRes) (B-52H,
OA/A-10A) (Barksdale, AFB))
509th Bomb Wing (B-2A, T-38A) (Whiteman AFB, MO)
9th Reconnaissance Wing(U-2S, TU-2S, T-38A) (Beale
55th Wing (Reconnaissance and Air Control) (RC-
135S/U/V/W, OC-135B, WC-135C/W, TC-135S/W, E-4B)
552nd Air Control Wing (E-3B/C, TC-18E) (Tinker AFB,
513th Air Control Group (AFREs) (Associate unit)
(E-3B/C) (Tinker AFB, OK)
116th Air Control Wing (E-8C JSTARS) (GA ARNG)
(Robins AFB, GA)
67th Information Operations Wing (Lackland AFB, TX)
70th Intelligence Wing (Ft Meade, MD)
9th Air Force (Shaw AFB, SC)
1st Fighter Wing (F-15C/D) (Langley AFB, VA)
33rd Fighter Wing (F-15C/D) (Eglin AFB, FL)
4th Fighter Wing (F-15E) (Seymour Johnson AFB, NC)
23rd Fighter Group (OA/A-10A) (Pope AFB, NC)
20th Fighter Wing (SEAD) (F-16CJ/DJ) (Shaw AFB, SC)
820th Security Forces Group (Moody AFB, GA)
5th Combat Communications Group (Robins AFB, GA)
12th Air Force (Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ)
7th Bomb Wing (B-1B) (Dyess AFB, TX)
28th BombWing (B-1B) (Ellsworth AFB, SD)
366th Wing (Fighter and Bomber) (B-1B, F-15C/D/E, F-
16CJ/DJ, KC-135R) (Mountain Home AFB, ID)
388th Fighter Wing (F-16CG/DJ) (Hill AFB, UT)
27th Fighter Wing (F-16CG/DG) (Cannon AFB, NM)
301st Fighter Wing (AFRes) (F-16C/D) (NAS Fort Worth
49th Fighter Wing (F-117A, AT-38B, T-38A) (Holloman
355th Wing (Fighter and Electronic Countermeasures)
(OA/A-10A, EC-130E/H) (Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ)
507th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135R, E-3B/C,
TC-18E) (Tinker AFB, OK)
10th Air Force (AFRes) (NAS Fort Worth JRB, TX)
917th Wing (Fighter and Bomber) (AFRes) (B-52H, OA/A-
10A) (Barksdale, AFB)
419th Fighter Wing (AFRes) (F-16C/D) (Hill AFB, UT)
482nd Fighter Wing (AFRes) (F-16C/D) (Homestead ARB,
442nd Fighter Wing (AFRes) (OA/A-10A) (Whiteman
926th Fighter Wing (AFRes) (OA/A-10A) (NAS New
Orleans JRB, TX)
920th Rescue Wing (AFRes) (HC-130P, C-130E, HH-60G)
(Patrick AFB, FL)
Air Warfare Center (Nellis AFB, NV)
53rd Wing (Test and Evaluation) (F-15C/D/E, F-
16C/CG/CJ/D/DG/DJ, F-117A, OA/A-10A, E-9A, Boeing
707, QF-4E/G, QRF-4C, HH-60G) (Eglin AFB, FL)
57th Wing (Combat Training, Test and Evaluation) (F-
15C/D/E, F-16C/CG/CJ/D/DG/DJ, OA/A-10A, HH-60G,
RQ-1A) (Nellis AFB, NV)
505th Command and Control Wing (Hurlburt Field, FL)
99th Air Base Wing (Nellis AFB, NV)
Air National Guard (ANG)
131st Fighter Wing (MO ANG) (F-15A/B) (Lambert Fd, St
Louis, MO)
159th Fighter Wing (LA ANG) (F-15A/B, C-130E) (NAS
New Orleans JRB, LA)
113th Wing (Fighter & Airlift) (DC ANG) (F-16C/D, C-
21A, C-38A) (Andrews AFB, MD)
114th Fighter Wing (SD ANG) (F-16C/D) (Joes Foss Fd,
Sioux Falls, SD)
115th Fighter Wing (WI ANG) (F-16C/D, C-26B) (Dane
CAP, Truax Fd, WI)
122nd Fighter Wing (IN ANG) (F-16C/D) (Fort Wayne
127th Wing (Fighter and Airlift) (MI ANG) (F-16C/D, C-
130E, C-26B) (Selfridge ANBG, MI)
132nd Fighter Wing (IA ANG) (F-16CG/DG) (Des Moines
138th Fighter Wing (OK ANG) (F-16CG/DG) (Tulsa IAP,
140th Wing (Fighter & Training) (CO ANG) (F-16C/D, C-
21A, C-26A) (Buckley ANGB, CO)
150th Fighter Wing (NM ANG) (F-16C/CG/D/DG, C-26B)
(Kirtland AFB, NM)
174th Fighter Wing (NY ANG) (F-16C/D) (Syracuse-
Hancock Fd, NY)
177th Fighter Wing (NJ ANG) (F-16C/D) (Atlantic City
180th Fighter Wing (OH ANG) (F-16CG/DG) (Toledo
Express AP, OH)
181st Fighter Wing (IN ANG) (F-16C/D) (Hulman Fd,
Terre Haute, IN)
183rd Fighter Wing(IL ANG) (F-16C/D) (Capitol AP,
Springfield, IL)
185th Fighter Wing (IA ANG) (F-16C/D) (Sioux City
Gateway AP, IA)
187th Fighter Wing (AL ANG) (F-16C/D, C-26B)
(Montgomery-Dannelly Fd, AL)
188th Fighter Wing (AR ANG) (F-16C/D) (Ft Rock MAP,
192nd Fighter Wing (VA ANG) (F-16C/D) (Richard E
Byrd IAP, VA)
169th Fighter Wing (SEAD) (SC ANG) (F-16CJ/D, C-
130E) (McEntire ANGB, SC)
103rd Fighter Wing (CT ANG) (O/A-10A) (Bradley
104th Fighter Wing (MA ANG) (O/A-10A) (Barnes MAP,
Westfield, MA)
110th Fighter Wing (MI ANG) (O/A-10A) (Battle Creek
111th Fighter Wing (PA ANG) (OA/A-10A, C-26A) (NAS
Willow Grove, PA)
124th Fighter Wing (ID ANG) (O/A-10A) (Boise AT, ID)
175th Wing (Fighter and Airlift) (MD ANG) (OA/A-10A)
(Glenn L Martin AP, Baltimore, MD)
106th Rescue Wing (NY ANG) (HC-130N/P, HH-60G)
(Francis Gabreski ANGB, NY)
129th Rescue Wing (CA ANG) (HC-130P, HH-60G) (NAS
Moffett Fd, CA)
o US Navy Atlantic Fleet (LANTFLT) (Norfolk NB, VA)
US 2nd Fleet (NB Norfolk, VA)
Task Force 20 (2nd Fleet Battle Force)
Theodore Roosevelt Strike Group / Carrier Strike
Group 2 (CARSTRKGRU 2) (USS Theodore
Roosevelt (CVN 71)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Surge
USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
Carrier Air Wing 8 (CVW 8) (NAS Oceana,
USS San Jacinto (CG 56) (NB Norfolk, VA)
Destroyer Squadron 22 (DESRON 22) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
Harry S. Truman Strike Group / Carrier Strike
Group 10 (CARSTRKGRU 10) (USS Harry
Truman (CVN 75)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Post-
USS Harry Truman (CVN 75) (NB Norfolk,
Carrier Air Wing 3 (CVW 3) (NAS Oceana,
USS Monterey (CG 61) (NB Norfolk, VA)
Amphibious Squadron 6 (PHIBRON 6) /
Expeditionary Strike Group 8 (USS Nassau
(LHA 4)) (NB Norfolk, VA)
22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit
(Special Operations Capable) (22nd
MEU (SOC)) (Cp Lejeune, NC)
USS Pittsburgh (SSN 720) (NSB New
London, CT)
USS Montpelier (SSN 765) (NB Norfolk,
USNS Mount Baker (T-AE-34)
USNS Kanawha (T-AO-196)
John F. Kennedy Strike Group / Carrier Strike
Group 6 (CARSTRKGRU 6) (USS John F Kennedy
(CV 67)) (NS Mayport, FL (Post-Deployment))
USS John F Kennedy (CV 67) (NS Mayport,
Carrier Air Wing 17 (CVW 17) (NAS
Oceana, VA)
USS Vicksburg (CG 69) (NS Mayport, FL)
Destroyer Squadron 24 (DESRON 24) (NS
Mayport, FL)
USS Boise (SSN 764) (NB Norfolk, VA)
USS Toledo (SSN 769) (NSB New London,
USS Seattle (AOE 3) (NWS Earle, NJ)
Eisenhower Strike Group / Carrier Strike Group 8
(CARSTRKGRU 8) (USS Dwight D Eisenhower
(CVN 69)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Basic Training))
USS Dwight D Eisenhower (CVN 69) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
USS Anzio (CG 68) (NB Norfolk, VA)
USS Vella Gulf (CG 72) (NB Norfolk, VA)
Enterprise Strike Group / Cruiser Strike Group 12
(CARSTRKGRU 12) (USS Enterprise (CVN 65))
(NB Norfolk, VA (Maintenance))
USS Enterprise (CVN 65) (Norfolk NB,
Carrier Air Wing 1 (CVW 1) (NAS Oceana,
USS Cape St George (CG 71) (NB Norfolk,
Destroyer Squadron 2 (DESRON 2) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
USS Springfield (SSN 761) (NSB New
London, CT)
USS Hartford (SSN 768) (NSB New
London, CT)
USS Detroit (AOE 4) (NWS Earle, NJ)
George Washington Strike Group (USS George
Washington (CVN 73)) (NB Norfolk, VA
USS George Washington (CVN 73) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
Carrier Air Wing 7 (CVW 7) (NAS Oceana,
USS Oklahoma City (SSN 723) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
USS Newport News (SSN 750) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
USNS Laramie (T-AO 203)
Carrier Strike Group 14 (CARSTRKGRU 14) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
USS Philipine Sea (CG 58) (NS Mayport,
USS Gettysburg (CG 64) (NS Mayport, FL)
Destroyer Squadron 18 (DESRON 18) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
Task Force 21 (2nd Fleet Patrol Reconnaissance Force) /
Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet
Task Force 22 (2nd Fleet Amphibious Force) / Amphibious
Group 2 (PHIBGRU 2) (NB Norfolk, VA)
Kearsarge Expeditionary Strike Group /
Expeditionary Strike Group 6 / Amphibious
Squadron 8 (PHIBRON 8) (USS Kearsarge (LHD
3)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Deployed))
USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) (NB Norfolk, VA)
26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special
Operations Capable) (26th MEU (SOC))
(Cp Lejeune, NC)
USS Normandy (CG 60) (NB Norfolk, VA)
USS Scranton (SSN 756) (NB Norfolk, VA)
Saipan Expeditionary Strike Group / Expeditionary
Strike Group 4 / Amphibious Squadron 2
(PHIBRON 2) (USS Saipan (LHA 2)) (NB Norfolk,
VA (Deployed))
USS Saipan (LHA 2) (NB Norfolk, VA)
24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special
Operations Capable) (24th MEU (SOC))
(Cp Lejeune, NC)
USS Hue City (CG 66) (NS Mayport, FL)
Wasp Expeditionary Strike Group / Expeditionary
Strike Group 2 / Amphibious Squadron 4
(PHIBRON 4) (USS Wasp (LHD 1)) (NB Norfolk,
VA (Post-Deployment))
USS Wasp (LHD 1) (NB Norfolk, VA)
USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55) (NB Norfolk, VA)
USS Connecticut (SSN 22) (NSB New
London, CT)
Bataan Expeditionary Strike Group (USS Bataan
(LHD 5)) (NAB Little Creek, VA (Intermediate
USS Bataan (LHD 5) (NB Norfolk, VA)
Naval Coastal Warfare Group Two (Williamsburg,
Tactical Air Control Group 2 (TACGRU 2) (NAB
Little Creek, VA)
Tactical Air Control Squadron 21
(TACRON 21) (NAB Little Creek, VA)
Tactical Air Control Squadron 22
(TACRON 22) (NAB Little Creek, VA)
Naval Beach Group 2 (NAVBEACHGRU 2) (NB
Norfolk, VA?)
Task Force 23 (2nd Fleet Landing Force)
Task Force 24 (2nd Fleet ASW Force)
Task Force 25 (2nd Fleet Mobile Logistics Support Force) /
Combat Logistics Squadron 2 (LOGRON 2) (NB Norfolk,
Task Force 26 (2nd Fleet Patrol Air Force) / Patrol and
Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet
Task Force 28 (2nd Fleet Caribbean Contingency Force)
(NS Mayport, FL)
Carrier Group 4 (CARGRU 4) / Carrier Striking Force
(Battle Group Training) (NB Norfolk, VA)
Task Force 40 / Naval Surface Force Atlantic Fleet
Destroyer Squadron 26 (DESRON 26) (NB Norfolk, VA)
Destroyer Squadron 28 (DESRON 28) (NB Norfolk, VA)
Combat Logistics Squadron 2 (COMLOGRON 2) (NWS
Earle, NJ)
Task Force 41 / Naval Air Force Atlantic Fleet (NAVAIRLANT)
(NAS Oceana, VA)
Fighter Wing Atlantic Fleet (FITWINGLANT) (NAS
Oceana, VA)
Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic Fleet
Sea Control Wing Atlantic Fleet (SEACONWINGLANT)
(NAS Jacksonville, FL)
Helicopter Anti-Submarine Wing Atlantic Fleet
(HSWINGLANT) (NAS Jacksonville, FL)
Helicopter Anti-Submarine Light Wing Atlantic Fleet
Helicopter Tactical Wing Atlantic Fleet
Airborne EarlyWarning Wing Atlantic Fleet
Reserve Carrier Air Wing 20 (CVWR 20) (NAS Atlanta,
Task Force 42 / Naval Submarine Force Atlantic Fleet
Submarine Group 2 (SUBGRU 2) (NSB New London, CT)
Submarine Squadron 2 (SUBRON 2) (NSB New
London, CT)
Submarine Squadron 4 (SUBRON 4) (NSB New
London, CT)
Submarine Squadron 6 (SUBRON 6) (NB Norfolk,
Submarine Squadron 8 (SUBRON 8) (NB Norfolk,
Submarine Development Squadron 12
(SUBDEVRON 12) (NSB New London, CT)
Naval Submarine Support Center (NB Norfolk, VA)
Task Force 43 (Training Command Atlantic Fleet?)
Task Force 44 (Coast Guard Force Atlantic Fleet) / Coast Guard
Atlantic Area (Portsmouth, VA)
Task Force 45 / Fleet Marine Forces Atlantic (MARFORLANT)
(Norfolk NB, VA)
Task Force 46 (Mine Warfare Command Atlantic Fleet
(MINEWARCOM)) (USS Inchon (MCS 12)) (NS Ingleside, TX)
Counter Mine Squadron 1 (CMRON 1) (NS Ingleside, TX)
Counter Mine Squadron 2 (CMRON 2) (NS Ingleside, TX)
Counter Mine Squadron 3 (CMRON 3) (NS Ingleside, TX)
Task Force 48 (Naval Construction Battalions Atlantic Fleet)
(NAB Little Creek, VA)
22nd Naval Construction Regiment (NAB Little Creek,
3rd Naval Construction Regiment (USNR)
7th Naval Construction Regiment (USNR)
20th Seabee Readiness Group (Training) (NCBC Gulfport,
Task Force 80 (Naval Patrol and Protection of Shipping Atlantic
Task Force 81 (Sea Control and Surveillance Force Atlantic Fleet)
/ Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet
Task Force 82 (Amphibious Task Force)
Task Force 83 (Landing Force (II Marine Expeditionary Force (II
MEF)) (Cp Lejeune, NC)
Task Force 84 (ASW Force Atlantic Fleet) / Naval Submarine
Force Atlantic Fleet (NAVSUBLANT) (NB Norfolk, VA)
Task Force 85 (Mobile Logistics Support Force Atlantic Fleet) /
Combat Logistics Squadron 2 (LOGRON 2) (NB Norfolk, VA)
Task Force 86 (Patrol Air Force Atlantic Fleet) / Patrol and
Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet (PATRECONFORLANT)
(NS Norfolk, VA)
Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 5 (PATRECONWING 5)
(NAS Brunswick, ME)
Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 11 (PATRECONWING
11) (NAS Jacksonville, FL)
Reserve Patrol Wing (RESPATWING) (NAS Oceana, VA)
Task Force 87 (Tactical Development and Evaluation and Transit
Force Atlantic Fleet)
Task Force 88 (Training Force Atlantic Fleet) (NB Norfolk, VA)
Task Force 89 (Maritime Defense Zone Atlantic Fleet) (USCGS
Portsmouth, VA)
Task Force 125 (Naval Surface Group 2 (NAVSURFGRU 2)) (NS
Mayport, FL)
Task Force 137 (Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic) (Naples, Italy)
Task Force 138 (Naval Forces South Atlantic)
Task Force 139 (Multilateral Special Operations Force)
Task Force 142 (Operational Test and Evaluation Force) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
o US Fleet Marine Forces Atlantic (MARFORLANT) (Norfolk NB, VA)
II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF) (Cp Lejeune, NC
(Deployed to Iraq))
2nd Marine Division (Cp Lejeune, NC (Deployed to Iraq))
2nd Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp Lejeune, NC
(Deployed to Iraq))
6th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp Lejeune, NC)
8th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp Lejeune, NC
(Deployed to Iraq))
10th Marine Regiment (Artillery) (Cp Lejeune, NC)
2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade (Cp Lejeune, NC)
2nd Marine Air Wing (2nd MAW) (MCAS Cherry Point,
NC (Deployed to Iraq))
Marine Aircraft Group 31 (MAG-31) (Strike)
(MCAS Beaufort, SC)
Marine Aircraft Group 14 (MAG-14) (Electronic
Warfare & Attack) (MCAS Cherry Point, NC)
Marine Aircraft Group 26 (MAG-26) (Helicopter)
(MCAS New River, NC (Deployed to Iraq))
Marine Aircraft Group 29 (MAG-29) (Helicopter)
(MCAS New River, NC)
Marine Air Control Group 28 (MACG-28) (MCAS
Cherry Point, NC)
Marine Wing Support Group 27 (MWSG-27)
(MCAS Cherry Point, NC)
2nd Force Service Support Group (Cp Lejeune, NC
(Deployed to Iraq))
IV Marine Expeditionary Force (Marine Forces Reserve
(MARFORRES)) (New Orleans, LA)
4th Marine Division (MARFORRES) (New Orleans, LA)
23rd Marine Regiment (Infantry) (MARFORRES)
(San Bruno, CA)
24th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (MARFORRES)
(Kansas City, MO)
25th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (RMARFORRES)
(Worcester, MA)
14th Marine Regiment (Artillery) (MARFORRES)
(NAS Dallas, TX)
4th Marine Air Wing (4th MAW) (MARFORRES) (New
Orleans, LA)
Marine Aircraft Group 41 (MAG-41) (Strike)
Marine Aircraft Group 42 (MAG-42) (Strike &
Helicopter) (MARFORRES) (NAS Atlanta, GA)
Marine Aircraft Group 46 (MAG-46) (Strike &
Helicopter) (MARFORRES) (MCAS Miramar, CA)
Marine Aircraft Group 49 (MAG-49) (Strike &
Helicopter) (MARFORRES) (NAS Willow Grove
Marine Air Control Group 48 (MACG-48)
(MARFORRES) (Highwood, IL)
Marine Wing Support Group 47 (MWSG-47)
(MARFORRES) (Selfridge ANGB, MA)
4th Force Service Support Group (MARFORRES) (New
Orleans, LA)
4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (Anti-Terrorism) (Cp Lejeune,
o Iceland Defense Force (IDF) (NAS Keflavik, Iceland)
85th Group (NAS Keflavik, Iceland)
Fleet Air Keflavik (FAIRKEF) (NAS Keflavik, Iceland)
o US Forces Azores (USAFORAZ) (Lajes Field, Azores)
65th Air Base Wing (Lajes Field, Azores)
o Special Operations Command Joint Forces Command (SOCJFCOM)
(Norfolk NB, VA)
US European Command (EUCOM) (Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany)
o US Army Europe (USAREUR) / 7th Army (Heidelberg, Germany)
V Corps (Heidelberg, Germany)
1st Armored Division (Bad Kreuznach, Germany)
1st Brigade (Friedberg, Germany (Deployed to
2nd Brigade (Baumholder, Germany (Deployed to
Cp Buehring, Kuwait))
3rd Brigade (Ft Riley, KS)
4th Brigade (Aviation) (Hanau, Germany)
Division Artillery (Baumholder, Germany)
Engineer Brigade (Bad Kreuznach, Germany)
Division Support Command (Bad Kreuznach,
1st Infantry Division (Mechanized) (Wuerzburg, Germany)
1st Brigade (Ft Riley, KS)
2nd Brigade (Schweinfurt, Germany (Deploys to
Iraq mid-2006))
3rd Brigade (Cadre) (Vilseck, Germany)
4th Brigade (Aviation) (Ansbach (Katterback),
Division Artillery (Bamberg, Germany)
Engineer Brigade (Bamberg, Germany)
Division Support Command (Kitzengen, Germany)
Army Prepositioned Stock 2 (APS-2) (Mechanized Infantry
Brigade (-)) (Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Norway,
Task Force Falcon / 2nd Brigade (Air Assault) (IA ARNG),
34th Infantry Division (Medium) (Camp Bondsteel,
11th Aviation Regiment (Attack) (Illesheim, Germany)
12th Aviation Brigade (Giebelstadt Army Airfield,
Germany (Deployed to Afghanistan))
V Corps Artillery (Wiesbaden, Germany)
41st Field Artillery Brigade (Babenhausen,
69th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Giebelstadt, Germany)
18th Military Police Brigade (Mannheim, Germany)
130th Engineer Brigade (Hanau, Germany)
22nd Signal Brigade (Darmstadt, Germany)
205th Military Intelligence Brigade (Wiesbaden, Germany)
3rd Corps Support Command (Wiesbaden, Germany)
372nd Engineer Group (Support) (USAR) (Des
Moines, IA)
7th Corps Support Group (Bamberg, Germany)
16th Corps Support Group (Hanau, Germany)
649th Area Support Group (USAR) (Cedar Rapids,
19th Support Center (USAR) (Arden Hills, MN)
30th Medical Brigade (Heidelberg, Germany)
4th Air Support Operations Group (USAF) (Heidelberg,
South East European Task Force (SETAF) (Vicenza, Italy)
173rd Airborne Brigade (Vicenza, Italy)
22nd Area Support Group (Caserma Ederle, Italy)
21st Theater Support Command (Kaiserslautern, Germany)
29th Support Group (Kaiserslautern, Germany)
6th Area Support Group (Stuttgart, Germany)
26th Area Support Group (Heidelberg, Germany)
80th Area Support Group (Chievres, Belgium)
98th Area Support Group (Wurzburg, Germany)
100th Area Support Group (Grafenwoehr, Germany)
104th Area Support Group (Hanau, Germany)
111th Area Support Group (TX ARNG) (Austin, TX)
37th Transportation Command (Kaiserslautern?, Germany)
200th Material Management Center (Kaiserslautern,
5th Signal Command (Mannheim, Germany)
2nd Signal Brigade (Mannheim, Germany)
7th Signal Brigade (Mannheim, Germany)
7th Army Reserve Command (USAR) (Schwetzingen, Germany)
3747th Multifunctional Training Brigade (USAR)
(Grafenwoehr, Germany)
o US Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) (Ramstein AB, Germany)
3rd Air Force (Ramstein AB, Germany)
48th Fighter Wing (F-15C/D/E) (RAF Lakenheath, UK)
52nd Fighter Wing (F-16CJ/DJ, OA/A-10A) (Spangdahlem
AB, Germany)
86th Airlift Wing (C-130E, C-9A, C-20A, C-21A, C-37A)
(Ramstein AB, Germany)
100th Air Refueling Wing (KC-135R) (RAF Mildenhall,
16th Air Force (Aviano AB, Italy)
31st Fighter Wing (F-16CG/DG) (Aviano AB, Italy)
16th Air Expeditionary Wing (Aviano AB, Italy)
39th Air Base Wing (Tactical Spt) (Incirlik AB, Turkey)
o US Naval Forces in Europe (NAVEUR) (London, UK)
US 6th Fleet (Naples, Italy)
Task Force 60 (6th Fleet Battle Force) ((USS Mount
Whitney (LCC-20)) (Gaeta, Italy)
Task Force 61 (6th Fleet Amphibious Force)
Task Force 62 (6th Fleet Landing Force)
Task Force 63 (6th Fleet Service Force) / Naval Surface
Group Mediterranean (Gaeta, Italy)
Task Force 64 (6th Fleet Submarine Force South) /
Submarine Group 8 (SUBGRU 8) (Naples, Italy)
Task Force 67 (6th Fleet Maritime Surveillance and
Reconnaissance Forces (MARSURVRECFORSIXFLT)) /
Fleet Air Mediterranean (FAIRMED) (Naples, Italy)
Task Force 68 (6th Fleet Special Operations Force)
Task Force 69 (6th Fleet Submarine Force Mediterranean) /
Submarine Group 8 (SUBGRU 8) (Naples, Italy)
Submarine Squadron 22 (SUBRON 22) (La
Maddalena, Italy)
o US Fleet Marine Forces Europe (MARFOREUR) (Boeblingen, Germany)
o Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR) (Stuttgart, Germany)
(3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC))
(10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Carson, CO))
(352nd Special Operations Group (MC-130H/P, C-130E, MH-
53M) (RAF Mildenhall, UK))
(353rd Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (Ft Wadsworth, NY))
US Central Command (CENTCOM) (MacDill AFB, Florida)
o Multi-National Corps - Iraq (MNC-I) / Task Force Victory / V Corps (Cp
Victory (Baghdad), Iraq)
Multinational Division - Baghdad / 4th Infantry Division
(Mechanized) (Cp Liberty (Baghdad), Iraq)
1st Brigade (Cp Taji, Iraq)
2nd Brigade (Cp Kalsu, Iraq)
3rd Brigade (Cp Balad?, Iraq)
4th Brigade (Baghdad, Iraq)
1st Brigade, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) (Cp
Liberty?, Iraq)
2nd Brigade / 502nd Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne
Division (Air Assault) (Baghdad, Iraq)
Multi-National Division - North / Task Force Band of Brothers /
101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) (Camp Speicher (Tikrit),
3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment (Cp Sykes (Mosul), Iraq)
172nd Infantry Brigade (Stryker Brigade Combat Team)
(Mosul, Iraq)
1st Brigade / 327th Infantry Regiment (Camp Warrior
(Kirkuk), Iraq)
3rd Brigade / 187th Infantry Regiment (Ft Campbell, KY
(Deploys to Iraq - Mid 2005))
101st Aviation Brigade (Ft Campbell, KY (Deployed to
Multi-National Division - Central - South (Baghdad, Iraq)
48th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (Enhanced Readiness)
(GA ARNG), 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (Talil
Airbase?, Iraq)
Multi-National Force - West / II Marine Expeditionary Force (II
MEF) (Cp Fallujah, Iraq)
2nd Marine Division (Cp Blue Diamond (Ar Ramadi), Iraq)
1st Brigade, 1st Armored Division (Tal Afar, Iraq)
155th Armored Brigade (Enhanced Readiness) (MS
ARNG) (Cp Lima (Karbala), Iraq)
2nd Brigade (Mechanized), 28th Infantry Division
(Mechanized) (PA ARNG) (?, Iraq)
2nd Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp Al Qaim, Iraq)
8th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp Fallujah, Iraq)
2nd Marine Air Wing (2nd MAW) (Al Asad AB
(Qadisiyah), Iraq)
Marine Aircraft Group 26 (MAG-26) (Helicopter)
(Al Asad AB (Qadisiyah), Iraq)
2nd Marine Logistics Brigade (Forward) / 2nd Force
Service Support Group (Cp Taqqadum, Iraq)
2nd Brigade, 1st Armored Division (Cp Buehring, Kuwait)
18th Aviation Brigade (Airborne) (?, Iraq)
20th Engineer Brigade (Combat) (Airborne) (Cp Victory?
(Baghdad), Iraq)
16th Military Police Brigade (Airborne) (Abu Ghraib, Iraq)
89th Military Police Brigade (Cp Victory? (Baghdad), Iraq)
504th Military Intelligence Brigade (Abu Ghraib, Iraq)
525th Military Intelligence Brigade (Airborne) (Cp Victory?
(Baghdad), Iraq)
Logistics Staging Area Anaconda / 1st Corps Support Command
(Cp Anaconda (Balad), Iraq)
593rd Corps Support Group (?, Iraq)
167th Corps Support Group (USAR) (?, Iraq)
172nd Support Group (USAR) (?, Iraq)
300th Area Support Group (USAR) (?, Iraq)
1st Medical Brigade (?, Iraq)
35th Signal Brigade (Airborne) (?, Iraq)
o Combined Forces Command – Afghanistan (CFC-A) (Kabul, Afghanistan)
Combined Joint Task Force 76 (CJTF 76) / 10th Mountain
Division (Light Infantry) (Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan)
Task Force Spartan / 3rd Brigade (Jalalabad Airfield?,
Combined Task Force Devil / 1st Brigade / 504th Parachute
Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division
(Central/Eastern Afghanistan)
Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force
Task Force Griffin / 12th Aviation Brigade (Bagram?,
Combined Task Force Sword (Engineer Brigade)
(Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan)
Office of Security Cooperation – Afghanistan (OSC-A) (Kabul,
Coalition Joint Task Force Phoenix / 76th Infantry Brigade
(Light) (Enhanced Readiness)
376th Air Expeditionary Wing (F-15, F-16) (Manas AB,
455th Air Expeditionary Group (A-10) (Bagram Airfield,
o US Army Central Command (ARCENT) / 3rd US Army (Ft McPherson,
United States Army Central-Kuwait (ARCENT-Kuwait) (Cp
Doha, Kuwait)
Army Prepositioned Stock 5 (APS-5) (3 Armored
Brigades) (Kuwait)
United States Army Central-Saudi Arabia (ARCENT-SA) (Riyadh,
United States Army Central-Qatar (ARCENT-QA) (Cp Snoopy
(Doha), Qatar)
Army Prepositioned Stock (APS-3) (1 Armored, 1 Mechanized
Infantry Brigade) (Diego Garcia)
416th Engineer Command (USAR) (Darien, IL)
194th Engineer Brigade (Theater Army) (TN ARNG)
(Nashville, TN)
416th Engineer Group (Combat) (OH ARNG) (Walbridge,
111th Engineer Group (WV ARNG) (St Albans, WV)
377th Theater Support Command (USAR) (New Orleans, LA)
43rd Area Support Group (Ft Carson, CO)
213th Area Support Group (PA ARNG) (Allentown, PA)
226th Area Support Group (AL ARNG) (Mobile, AL)
321st Materiel Management Center (USAR) (Baton Rouge,
335th Theater Signal Command (USAR) (Atlanta, GA (Deployed
to to Kuwait?))
160th Signal Brigade (Strategic) (Cp Arifjan, Kuwait)
359th Signal Brigade (USAR) (Ft Gordon, GA)
3rd Medical Command (USAR) (Decatur, GA)
139th Medical Group (USAR) (Independence, MO)
o US Air Forces Central Command (USCENTAF) / 9th Air Force (Shaw
40th Air Expeditionary Wing (B-52H) (Diego Garcia)
405th Air Expeditionary Wing (B-1B) (Thumrait, Oman)
379th Air Expeditionary Wing (F-15E, F-16, C-130H, KC-10, KC-
135) (Al Udeid, Qatar)
332nd Air Expeditionary Wing (A-10, HC-130P?, HH-60G?)
(Kirkuk AB, Iraq)
320th Air Expeditionary Wing (Seeb IAP, Oman)
376th Air Expeditionary Wing (Manas International Airport
(Bishkek), Kyrgyzstan)
380th Air Expeditionary Wing ( KC-10, U-2, RQ-4) (Al Dhafra,
o US Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) / US 5th Fleet
(Manama, Bahrain)
Task Force 50 (5th Fleet Battle Force) (Manama, Bahrain)
Middle East Force Surface Action Group / Destroyer
Squadron 50 (DESRON 50) (Manama, Bahrain)
Task Force 51 (5th Fleet Amphibious Force) (Manama, Bahrain)
Task Force 52 (5th Fleet Landing Force) (Manama, Bahrain)
Task Force 53 (5th Fleet Logistic Support Force) / Logistics Forces
Naval Forces Central Command (LOGNAVFORCENT)
(Muharraq Airfield, Bahrain)
Task Force 54 (5th Fleet Submarine Force) / Submarine Group 7
(SUBGRU 7) (NB Yokosuka, Japan)
Task Force 55 (5th Fleet Mine Warfare Forces) (Manama,
Task Force 56 (5th Fleet Temporary Operations Force) (Manama,
Task Force 57 (5th Fleet Patrol and Reconnaissance Force) / Patrol
and Reconnaissance Wing 1 (PATRECONWING 1) (NSF
Kamiseya, Japan)
o US Marine Forces Central Command (MARCENT) / US Fleet Marine
Forces Pacific (MARFORPAC) (Cp HM Smith, HI)
o US Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT) (MacDill AFB,
(5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Campbell, KY))
(352nd Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (Riverdale, MD))
o Joint Task Force - Southwest Asia (JTF-SWA) (Prince Sultan AB (Al
Kharj), Saudi Arabia)
US Pacific Command (PACOM) (Cp HM Smith, HI)
o US Army Pacific (USARPAC) (Ft Shafter, HI)
I Corps (Ft Lewis, WA)
25th Infantry Division (Light) (Schofield Bks , HI (Deploys
to Iraq mid-2006))
1st Brigade (Stryker Brigade Combat Team) (Ft
Lewis, WA)
2nd Brigade (Schofield Bks, HI)
3rd Brigade (Schofield Bks, HI (Deploys to Iraq
4th Brigade (Airborne) (Ft Richardson, AK)
Division Aviation Brigade (Wheeler AAF, HI)
Division Artillery (Schofield Bks, HI)
Division Support Command (Schofield Bks, HI)
40th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (CA ARNG) (Los
Alamitos, CA)
1st Brigade (CA ARNG) (Long Beach, CA)
2nd Brigade (CA ARNG) (San Diego, CA)
3rd Brigade (CA ARNG) (Modesto, CA)
40th Aviation Brigade (CA ARNG) (Fresno, CA)
Division Artillery (CA ARNG) (Los Angeles, CA)
Engineer Brigade (CA ARNG) (Vallejo, CA)
Division Support Command (CA ARNG) (Long
Beach, CA)
81st Armored Brigade (Enhanced Readiness) (WA ARNG)
(Seattle, WA)
116th Cavalry Brigade (Enhanced Readiness) (ID ARNG)
(Twin Falls, ID)
29th Infantry Brigade (Light) (HI ARNG) (Ft Shafter, HI)
278th Armored Cavalry Regiment (Enhanced Readiness)
(TN ARNG) (Knoxville, TN)
2nd Cavalry Regiment (Stryker) (Ft Lewis, WA)
66th Aviation Brigade (Combat) (Corps) (WA ARNG)
(Tacoma, WA)
211th Aviation Group (Attack) (UT ARNG) (West
Jordan, UT)
185th Aviation Group (Lift) (MS ARNG) (Jackson,
I Corps Artillery (UT ARNG) (Salt Lake City, UT)
45th Field Artillery Brigade (OK ARNG) (Enid,
115th Field Artillery Brigade (WY ARNG)
(Cheyenne, WY)
153rd Field Artillery Brigade (AZ ARNG)
(Phoenix, AZ)
111th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (NM ARNG)
(Alburquerque, NM)
42nd Military Police Brigade (Ft Lewis, WA)
Military Police Brigade-Hawaii (Ft Shafter, HI)
177th Military Police Brigade (MI ARNG) (Detriot, MI)
555th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade (Provisional) (Ft
Lewis, WA)
464th Chemical Brigade (USAR) (Johnstown, PA)
201st Military Intelligence Brigade (Ft Lewis, WA)
311th Corps Support Command (USAR) (Los Angeles,
304th Support Center (Rear) (Ft Lewis, WA)
593rd Corps Support Group (Ft Lewis, WA
(Deployed to Iraq))
45th Corps Support Group (Forward) (Schofield
Bks, HI)
516th Signal Brigade (Ft Shafter, HI)
142nd Signal Brigade (AL ARNG) (Decatur, AL)
62nd Medical Brigade (Ft Lewis, WA)
1st Air Support Operations Group (USAF) (Ft Lewis, WA)
US Army Alaska (USARAK) (Ft Richardson, AK)
172nd Infantry Brigade (Stryker Brigade Combat Team)
(Ft Wainwright, AK (Deployed to Iraq))
(4th Brigade (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division (Light) (Ft
Richardson, AK))
207th Infantry Group (Scout) (AK ARNG) (Anchorage,
Arctic Support Brigade (Ft Richardson, AK)
US Army Japan (USARJ) / 9th Theater Support Command (Cp
Zama, Japan)
10th Area Support Group (Torii Station, Okinawa)
300th Area Support Group (USAR) (Ft Lee, VA (Deployed
to Iraq))
9th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Ft Shafter, HI)
196th Infantry Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Shafter, HI)
4960th Multifunctional Training Brigade (? (Oahu), HI)
o US Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) (Hickam AFB, HI)
5th Air Force (Yokota AB, Japan)
18th Wing (Fighter, Air Control, & Air Refeuling) (F-
15C/D, E-3B/C, KC-135R, HH-60G) (Kadena AB,
Okinawa (Japan))
35th Fighter Wing (F-16CJ/DJ) (Misawa AB, Japan)
374th Airlift Wing (C-130E/H, C-9A, C-21A, UH-1N)
(Yokota AB, Japan)
11th Air Force (Elmendorf AFB, AK)
3rd Wing (Fighter, Air Control & Airlift) (F-15C/D/E, E-
3B, C-130H, C-12F/J) (Elmendorf AFB, AK)
354th Fighter Wing (F-16CG/DG, OA/A-10A) (Eielson
176th Wing (Airlift) (AK ANG) (C-130H, HC-130N, HH-
60G) (Kulis ANGB, AK)
168th Air Refueling Wing (AK ANG) (KC-135R) (Eilson
13th Air Force (Andersen AFB, Guam)
154th Wing (Fighter, Air Refeuling & Airlift) (HI ANG)
(F-15A/B, C-130H, KC-135R) (Hickam AFB, HI)
15th Airlift Wing (C-135C/E/K, KC-135E) (Hickam AFB,
36th Air Base Wing (Anderson AFB, Guam)
o US Navy Pacific Fleet (PACFLT) (NB Pearl Harbor, HI)
US 3rd Fleet (USS Coronado (AGF 11), NB San Diego, CA)
Task Force 30 (3rd Fleet Battle Force)
Nimitz Strike Group / Cruiser Strike Group 11
(CARSTRKGRU 11) (USS Nimitz (CVN 68)) (NB
San Diego, CA (Deployed))
USS Nimitz (CVN 68) (NB Norfolk, VA)
Carrier Air Wing 11 (CVW 11) (NAS
Leemore, CA)
USS Princeton (CG 59) (NB San Deigo,
USS Chosin (CG 65) (NB Pearl Harbor, HI)
Destroyer Squadron 7 (DESRON 7) (NB
San Diego, CA)
Destroyer Squadron 23 (DESRON 23) (NB
San Diego, CA)
USS Pasadena (SSN 752) (NB Pearl Harbor,
USS Sacramento (AOE 1) (NB Seattle
(Bremerton), WA)
Carl Vinson Strike Group / Carrier Strike Group 3
(USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70)) (NB San Diego, CA
USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) (NB Seattle
(Bremerton), WA)
Carrier Air Wing 9 (CVW 9) (NAS
Leemore, CA)
USS Antietam (CG 54) (NB San Deigo, CA)
Abraham Lincoln Strike Group / Cruiser Strike
Group 9 (CARSTRKGRU 9) (USS Abraham
Lincoln (CVN 72)) (NB San Diego, CA (Post-
USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) (NS
Everett, WA)
Carrier Air Wing 2 (CVW 2) (NAS
Leemore, CA)
USS Shiloh (CG 67) (NB San Diego, CA)
Destroyer Squadron 31 (DESRON 31) (NB
Pearl Harbor, HI)
USS Honolulu (SSN 718) (NB Pearl Harbor,
USS Camden (AOE 2) (NB Seattle
(Bremerton), WA)
Reagan Strike Group / Carrier Strike Group 7
(CARSTRKGRU 7) (USS Ronald Reagan (CVN
76)) (NB San Diego, CA (Basic Training))
USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) (NB San
Diego, CA)
USS John C Stennis (CVN 74) (NB
Bremerton, WA (Maintenance))
Carrier Air Wing 14 (CVW 14) (NAS
Leemore, CA)
USS Lake Champlain (CG 57) (NS San
Diego, CA)
USS Port Royal (CG 73) (NB Seattle
(Bremerton), WA) `
Destroyer Squadron 21 (DESRON 21) (NS
San Diego, CA)
USS Salt Lake City (SSN 716) (NS San
Diego, CA)
Task Force 31 (3rd Fleet Command and Coordination
Task Force 32 (3rd Fleet Ready Force)
Task Force 33 (3rd Fleet Combat Logistics Support Force)
/ Naval Surface Group Pacific Northwest (NB Everett,
Task Force 34 (3rd Fleet Submarine Force) / Submarine
Force Pacific Fleet (SUBPAC) (NSB Pearl Harbor, HI)
Task Force 35 (3rd Fleet Surface Combatant Force) / Naval
Surface Force Pacific Fleet (NAVSURFPAC) (NAB
Coronado (San Diego), CA)
Task Force 36 (3rd Fleet Amphibious Force) / Amphibious
Group 3 (PHIBGRU 3) ((USS Coronado (AGF 11)) (NB
San Diego, CA)
Boxer Expeditionary Strike Group / (USS Boxer
(LHD 4)) (NB San Diego, CA (Deployed))
USS Boxer (LHD 4) (NB San Diego, CA)
Belleau Wood Expeditionary Strike Group /
Expeditionary Strike Group 3 / Amphibious
Squadron 5 (PHIBRON 5) ((USS Belleau Wood
(LHA 3), NB San Diego, CA (Post-Deployment))
USS Belleau Wood (LHA 3) (NB San
Diego, CA)
11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special
Operations Capable) (11th MEU (SOC))
(Cp Pendleton, CA)
USS Mobile Bay (CG 53) (NB San Diego,
Bonhomme Richard Expeditionary Strike Group /
Expeditionary Strike Group 5 / Amphibious
Squadron 7 (PHIBRON 7) (USS Bonhomme
Richard (LHD 6)) (NB San Diego, CA (Post-
USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) (NB San
Diego, CA)
15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special
Operations Capable) (15th MEU (SOC))
(Cp Pendleton, CA)
USS Bunker Hill (CG 52) (NB San Diego,
Tarawa Expeditionary Strike Group / Expeditionary
Strike Group 1 / Amphibious Squadron 1
(PHIBRON 1) ((USS Tarawa (LHA 1)) NB San
Diego, CA (Advanced Training))
USS Tarawa (LHA 1) (NB San Diego, CA)
13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special
Operations Capable) (13th MEU (SOC))
(Cp Pendleton, CA)
Peleliu Expeditionary Strike Group / Amphibious
Squadron 3 (PHIBRON 3) (USS Peleliu (LHA 5))
(NB San Diego, CA (Post-Deployment))
USS Peleliu (LHA 5) (NB San Diego, CA)
Naval Beach Group 1 (NBG 1) (NB Coranado, CA)
Tactical Air Control Group 1 (TACGRU 1) (NB
San Diego, CA?)
Tactical Air Control Squadron 11
Tactical Air Control Squadron 12
Task Force 37 (3rd Fleet Carrier Strike Force)
Task Force 39 (3rd Fleet Landing Force) / I Marine
Expeditionary Force (I MEF) (Cp Pendleton, California)
Carrier Strike Group 1 (CARSTRKGRU 1) / Carrier Strike
Force Training Pacific (NAB Coronado (San Diego), CA)
US 7th Fleet (USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19)) (NB Yokosuka, Japan)
Task Force 70 (7th Fleet Battle Force) / Kitty Hawk Strike
Group / Carrier Strike Group 5 (CARSTRKGRU 5) (USS
Kitty Hawk (CV 63) (NB Yokosuka, Japan)
USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) (NB Yokosuka, Japan)
Carrier Air Wing 5 (CVW 5) (NAF Atsugi, Japan)
USS Chancellorsville (CG 62) (NB Yokosuka,
USS Cowpens (CG 63) (NB Yokosuka, Japan)
Destroyer Squadron 15 (DESRON 15) (NB
Yokosuka, Japan)
USS Bremerton (SSN 698) (NB Pearl Harbor, HI)
Task Force 71 (7th Fleet Command and Coordination
Task Force 72 (7th Fleet Patrol and Reconnaissance Force)
/ Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 1 (PATRECONWING
1) (NSF Kamiseya, Japan)
Task Force 73 (7th Fleet Logistics Support Force) /
Logistics Group Western Pacific (LOGGRU WESTPAC)
Task Force 74 (7th Fleet Submarine Force) / Submarine
Group 7 (SUBGRU 7) (NB Yokosuka, Japan)
Task Force 75 (7th Fleet Surface Combatant Force) / Kitty
Hawk Strike Group / Carrier Group 5 (CARGRU 5) (NB
Yokosuka, Japan)
Task Force 76 (7th Fleet Amphibious Ready Group) /
Amphibious Group 1 (PHIBGRU 1) (USS Blue Ridge
(LCC 19)) (NB Sasebo, Japan)
Essex Expeditionary Strike Group / Expeditionary
Strike Group - Forward Deployed Naval Force /
Amphibious Squadron 11 (PHIBRON 11) (USS
Essex (LHD 2), NB Sasebo, Japan)
USS Essex (LHD 2) (NB Sasebo, Japan)
31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special
Operations Capable) (31st MEU (SOC))
(MCB Butler, Okinawa (Japan))
Task Force 77 (7th Fleet Carrier Strike Force) / Kitty
Hawk Strike Group / Carrier Group 5 (CARGRU 5) (NB
Yokosuka, Japan)
Task Force 79 (7th Fleet Landing Force) / III Marine
Expeditionary Force (III MEF) (Cp Courtney, Okinawa
Task Force 10 (Temporary Operations Force)
Task Force 11 (Training Force)
Task Force 12 (ASW Force) / Patrol and Reconnaissance Force
Pacific Fleet (PATRECONFORPAC) (NAS Barbers Pt, HI)
Task Force 14 ( Submarine Force Pacific Fleet (SUBPAC)) (NSB
Pearl Harbor, HI)
Submarine Group 7 (SUBGRU 7) (NB Yokosuka, Japan)
Submarine Squadron 1 (SUBRON 1) (NSB Pearl
Harbor, HI)
Submarine Squadron 3 (SUBRON 3) (NSB Pearl
Harbor, HI)
Submarine Squadron 7 (SUBRON 7) (NSB Pearl
Harbor, HI)
Submarine Squadron 11 (SUBRON 11) (NSB San
Diego, CA)
Submarine Development Squadron 5
(SUBDEVRON 5) (NSB San Diego, CA)
Task Force 15 (Naval Surface Force Pacific Fleet
(NAVSURFPAC)) (NAB Coronado (San Diego), CA)
Naval Surface Group Pacific Northwest (NB
Everett, WA)
Destroyer Squadron 9 (DESRON 9) (NS
Everett, WA)
Naval Surface Group Middle Pacific
USS Lake Erie (CG 70) (NB Pearl Harbor,
Destroyer Squadron 1 (DESRON 1) (NRF) (NB
San Diego, CA)
USS Rainer (AOE 7) (NB Seattle (Bremerton),
Task Force 16 (Maritime Defense Zone Pacific Fleet)
(USCGS San Francisco, CA)
Task Force 17 (Naval Air Force Pacific Fleet
(NAVAIRPAC)) (NAS North Island, CA)
Strike Fighter Wing Pacific Fleet
Electronic Attack Wing Pacific Fleet
(VAQWINGPAC) (NAS Whidbey Island, CA)
Sea Control Wing Pacific Fleet
Helicopter Anti-Submarine Wing Pacific Fleet
(HSWINGPAC) (NAS North Island, CA)
Helicopter Anti-Submarine Light Wing Pacific
Fleet (HSLWINGPAC) (NAS North Island, CA)
Airborne EarlyWarning Wing Pacific Fleet
(AEWINGPAC) (NAS Point Mugu, CA)
Helicopter Tactical Wing Pacific Fleet
Task Force 18 (Naval Construction Battalions Pacific
Fleet) (NB Pearl Harbor, HI)
30th Naval Construction Regiment (Honolulu, HI)
1st Naval Construction Regiment (USNR) (Port
Hueneme, CA)
9th Naval Construction Regiment (USNR) (Fort
Worth, TX)
31st Special Readiness Group (Training) (Port
Hueneme, CA)
Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Pacific Fleet
(Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 1
(PATRECONWING 1) (NSF Kamiseya, Japan))
Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 10
(PATRECONWING 10) (NAS Whidbey Island,
Task Force 91 (Naval Forces Alaska (NAVAK)) / 17th
Coast Guard District (Juneau, AK)
US Fleet Marine Forces Pacific (MARFORPAC) (Cp HM Smith,
I Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF) (Cp Pendleton, CA)
1st Marine Division (Cp Pendleton, CA)
1st Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp
Pendleton, CA))
5th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp
Pendleton, CA)
7th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Marine
Corps Air Ground Combat Center
(Twentynine Palms), CA)
11th Marine Regiment (Artillery) (Cp
Pendleton, CA)
3rd Marine Air Wing (3rd MAW) (MCAS El Toro,
Marine Aircraft Group 11 (MAG-11) (Strike
& Attack) (MCAS Miramar, CA)
Marine Aircraft Group 13 (MAG-13)
(Attack) (MCAS Yuma, AZ)
Marine Aircraft Group 16 (MAG-16)
(Helicopter) (MCAS Miramar, CA)
Marine Aircraft Group 39 (MAG-39)
(Helicopter) (MCAS Cp Pendleton, CA)
Marine Air Control Group 38 (MACG 38)
(MCAS Miramar, CA)
Marine Wing Support Group 37 (MWSG-
37) (MCAS Miramar, CA)
1st Force Service Support Group (1st FSSG)
(Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center
(Twenty-nine Palms), CA)
III Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF) (Cp Courtney,
Okinawa (Japan))
3rd Marine Division (Cp Courtney, Okinawa
3rd Marine Regiment (Infantry) (MCBH
Kaneohe Bay, HI)
4th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp
Schwab, Okinawa (Japan))
12th Marine Regiment (Artillery) (MCB
Hawaii, HI)
1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MCBH Kaneohe
Bay, HI)
1st Marine Air Wing (1 MAW) (Cp Foster,
Okinawa (Japan))
Marine Aircraft Group 12 (MAG-12) (Strike
& Electronic Warfare) (MCAS Iwakuni,
Marine Aircraft Group 36 (MAG-36)
(Helicopter) (MCAS Futenma, Okinawa
Marine Air Control Group 18 (MACG-18)
(MCAS Futenma, Okinawa (Japan))
Marine Wing Support Group 17 (MWSG-
3rd Force Service Support Group (3rd FSSG) (Cp
Kisser, Okinawa (Japan))
US Forces Korea (USFK) (Seoul, South Korea)
8th US Army (EUSA) (Seoul, South Korea)
2nd Infantry Division (Medium) (Cp Red Cloud
(Uijonbu), South Korea)
1st Brigade (Cp Casey (Tongduchon), South
2nd Brigade (Ft Carson, CO)
3rd Brigade (Stryker Brigade Combat Team)
(Ft Lewis, WA (Deploys to Iraq mid-2006))
2nd Aviation Brigade (Multi-Function
Aviation Brigade) (Pyongtaek, South Korea)
Division Artillery (Cp Stanley (Uijonbu),
South Korea)
Engineer Brigade (Cp Howze (Kumchon),
South Korea)
Division Support Command (Cp Casey
(Tongduchon), South Korea)
35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Osan AB,
South Korea)
8th Military Police Brigade (Seoul, South Korea)
412th Engineer Command (USAR) (Vicksburg,
16th Engineer Brigade (OH ARNG)
(Columbus, OH)
411th Engineer Brigade (USAR) (New
Windsor, NY)
19th Theater Support Command (Camp Henry
(Taegu), South Korea)
501st Corps Support Group (Cp Red Cloud
(Uijonbu), South Korea)
20th Area Support Group (Cp Henry
(Taegu), South Korea)
23rd Area Support Group (Cp Humphreys
(Pyongtaek), South Korea)
34th Area Support Group (Seoul, South
55th Theater Support Command - Materiel
Management Center (USAR) (Cp Henry
(Taegu), South Korea)
311th Theater Signal Command (USAR) (Ft
Meade, MD)
1st Signal Brigade (Seoul, South Korea)
US Air Forces Korea / 7th Air Force (Osan AB, South
8th Fighter Wing (F-16C/D) (Kunsan AB, South
51st Fighter Wing (F-16CG/DG, OA/A-10A, C-
12J) (Osan AB, South Korea)
US Naval Forces Korea (USNFK) (Seoul?, South Korea)
US Marine Forces Korea (MARFORK) (Seoul, South
Special Operations Command (SOCKOR) (Cp Kim
(Yongsan), South Korea)
US Forces Japan (USFJ) (Yokota AB, Japan)
US Army Japan (USARJ) / 9th Theater Support Command
(Cp Zama, Japan)
(5th Air Force (Yokota AB, Japan))
Naval Forces Japan (NAVFORJAPAN) (NB Yokosuka,
Fleet Air Western Pacific (FAIRWESTPAC) (NAF
Atsugi, Japan)
(US 7th Fleet (USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19)) (NB Yokosuka,
(III Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF) (Cp Courtney,
Okinawa (Japan)))
Alaskan Command (ALCOM) (Elmendorf AFB, AK)
US Army Alaska (USARAK) (Ft Richardson, AK)
(11th Air Force (Elmendorf AFB, AK))
Naval Forces Alaska (NAVAK) / 17th Coast Guard District
(Juneau, AK)
Special Operations Command Pacific (SOCPAC) (Cp HM Smith,
(1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Lewis, WA))
(353rd Special Operations Group (MC-130H/P, C-130E,
MH-53M) (Kadena AB, Okinawa (Japan)))
(351st Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (Mountain View,
US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) (Miami, FL)
o US Army South (USARSOUTH) (Ft Sam Houston, TX)
53rd Infantry Brigade (Light) (FL ARNG) (Tampa, FL)
92nd Infantry Brigade (Air Assault) (PR ARNG) (Juana Diaz, PR)
93rd Signal Brigade (Ft Gordon, GA)
65th Army Reserve Command (USAR) (Ft Buchanan, PR)
50th Area Support Group (FL ARNG) (Homestead, FL)
166th Area Support Group (USAR) (Ft Buchanan, PR)
o US Southern Air Forces / 12th Air Force (Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ)
156th Airlift Wing (PR ANG) (C-130E) (Luis Muñoz Marin IAP,
o US Navy South (NAVSOUTH) (NS Roosevelt Roads, PR)
Naval Surface Group 2 (NAVSURFGRU 2) (NS Mayport, FL)
USS Thomas S. Gates (CG 51) (NS Pascagoula, MS)
Destroyer Squadron 6 (DESRON 6) (NS Pascagoula, MS)
Destroyer Squadron 14 (DESRON 14) (NS Mayport, FL)
o US Marine Forces South (MARFORSO) / II Marine Expeditionary Force
(Cp Lejeune, NC)
o Special Operations Command South (SOCSOUTH) (NS Roosevelt Roads,
(7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC))
(20th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (AL ARNG) (Birmingham,
US Special Operations Command (MacDill AFB, FL)
o Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) (Pope AFB, NC)
1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (Ft Bragg, NC)
(Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG) (Little
Creek NAB, VA))
o US Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) (Ft Bragg, NC)
Army Special Forces Command (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC)
1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Lewis, WA)
3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC)
5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Campbell, KY)
7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC)
10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Carson, CO)
19th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (UT ARNG)
(Draper, UT)
20th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (AL ARNG)
(Birmingham, AL)
75th Ranger Regiment (Ft Benning, GA)
160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) (Ft
Campbell, KY)
Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command
(Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC)
4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) (Ft Bragg,
2nd Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) (USAR)
(Panama, OH)
7th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) (USAR)
(Moffet Federal AF, CA)
350th Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (Pensacola, FL)
358th Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (King of
Prussia, PA)
351st Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (Mountain View,
322nd Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (Ft Shafter,
364th Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (Portland, OR)
352nd Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (Riverdale, MD)
354th Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (Riverdale,
360th Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (Ft Jackson,
353rd Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (New York, NY)
304th Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (Philadelphia,
308th Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (Homewood,
321st Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (San Antonio,
Army Special Operations Support Command (Airborne) (Ft Bragg,
o Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) (Hurlburt Fd, FL)
16th Special Operations Wing (AC-130H/U, MC-130E/H/P, C-
130E, C-212, MH-53M, UH-1N) (Hurlburt Fd, FL)
193rd Special Operations Wing (PA ANG) (EC-130E/J)
(Harrisburg IAP, PA)
919th Special Operations Wing (AFRes) (MC-130E/P, C-130E/H)
(Eglin Aux. Fd 3, FL)
352nd Special Operations Group (MC-130H/P, C-130E, MH-53M)
(RAF Mildenhall, UK)
353rd Special Operations Group (MC-130H/P, C-130E, MH-53M)
(Kadena AB, Okinawa (Japan))
720th Special Tactics Group (Hurlburt Fd, FL)
347th Rescue Wing (HH-60G, HC-130N/P) (Moody AFB, GA)
o Naval Special Warfare Command (NAVSWC) (Coronado NAB, CA)
Naval Special Warfare Group 1 (NAVSPECWARGRU 1)
(Coronado NAB, CA)
Naval Special Warfare Group 2 (NAVSPECWARGRU 2) (Little
Creek NAB, VA)
Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG) (Little
Creek NAB,VA)
Special Boat Squadron 1 (SBR-1) (Coronado NAB, CA)
Special Boat Squadron 2 (SBR-2) (Little Creek NAB, VA)
US Transportation Command (Scott AFB, IL)
o Air Mobility Command (AMC) (Scott AFB, IL)
18th Air Force (Scott AFB, IL)
15th Expeditionary Mobility Task Force (Travis AFB, CA)
60th Air MobilityWing (C-5A/B/C, KC-10A)
(Travis AFB, CA)
62nd Airlift Wing (C-17A) (McChord AFB, WA)
317th Airlift Group (C-130H) (Dyess AFB, TX)
375th Airlift Wing (Operational Support Airlift) (C-
21A, C-9A) (Scott AFB, IL)
22nd Air Refueling Wing (KC-135R/T)
(McConnell AFB, KS)
92nd Air Refueling Wing (KC-135R/T) (Fairchild
319th Air Refueling Wing (KC-135R/T) (Grand
Forks AFB, ND)
615th Air Mobility Operations Group (Travis AFB,
715th Air Mobility Operations Group (Hickam
21st Expeditionary Mobility Task Force (McGuire AFB,
436th Airlift Wing (C-5A/B) (Dover AFB, DE)
437th Airlift Wing (C-17A) (Charleston AFB, SC)
305th Air MobilityWing (C-141B, KC-10A)
(McGuire AFB, NJ)
43rd Airlift Wing (C-130E) (Pope AFB, NC)
314th Airlift Wing (C-130E/H) (Little Rock AFB,
89th Airlift Wing (VIP) (VC-25A, VC-37A, C-9C,
C-12C, C-20B/C/H, C-32A, VH-1N) (Andrews
6th Air Refueling Wing (KC-135R, EC-135N, CT-
43A) (MacDill AFB, FL)
19th Air Refueling Group (KC-135R, EC-137D)
(Robins AFB, GA)
621st Air Mobility Operations Group (McGuire
721st Air Mobility Operations Group (Ramstein
AB, Germany)
4th Air Force (AFRes) (McClellan AFB, CA)
433rd Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-5A) (Kelly AFB,
349th Air MobilityWing (AFRes) (C-5A/B/C, KC-
10A (Associate unit to 60th Air MobilityWing))
(Travis AFB, CA)
446th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-17A (Associate unit
to 62nd Airlift Wing)) (McChord AFB, WA)
445th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-141C) (Wright
Patterson AFB, OH)
452nd Air MobilityWing (AFRes) (C-141B, KC-
135E) (March ARB, CA)
932nd Airlift Wing (Operational Support Airlift)
(AFRes) (C-21A, C-9A (Associate unit to 375th
Airlift Wing)) (Scott AFB, IL)
434th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135R)
(Grissom ARB, IN)
916th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-125R)
(Seymour-Johnson AFB, NC)
931st Air Refeuling Group (AFRes) (KC-135R)
(McConnell AFB, KS)
927th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135E)
(Selfridge ANGB, MI)
939th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135R
(Portland IAP, OR)
940th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135E)
(Beale AFB, CA)
22nd Air Force (AFRes) (Dobbins AFB, GA)
439th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-5A) (Westover
512th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-5A/B (Associate
unit to 436th Airlift Wing)) (Dover AFB, DE)
315th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-17A) (Associate
unit of 437th Airlift Wing)) (Charleston AFB, SC)
459th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-141B) (Andrews
514th Air MobilityWing (AFRes) (C-141B, KC-
10A (Associate unit to 305th Air MobilityWing))
(McGuire AFB, NJ)
94th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Dobbins
302nd Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Peterson
440th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Gen.
Mitchell IAP, Milwaukee, WI)
908th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Maxwell
910th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H)
(Youngstown MAP, OH)
911th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Greater
Pittsburgh IAP, PA)
913th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130E) (Willow
Grove ARS, PA)
914th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Niagara
Falls IAP, NY)
934th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130E) (Minneapolis
St Paul IAP, MN)
Air National Guard
105th Airlift Wing (NY ANG) (C-5A) (Stewart
172nd Airlift Wing (MI ANG) (C-17) (Thompson
Fd, Jackson, MI)
164th Airlift Wing (TN ANG) (C-141B) (Memphis
135th Airlift Group (MD ANG) (C-130J) (Glenn L
Martin AP, MD)
109th Airlift Wing (NY ANG) (C-130H, C-26B)
(Schenectedy CAP, NY)
118th Airlift Wing (TN ANG) (C-130H) (Nashville
123rd Airlift Wing (KY ANG) (C-130H)
(Standiford Fd, KY)
130th Airlift Wing (WV ANG) (C-130H) (Yeager
AP, Charleston, WV)
133rd Airlift Wing (MN ANG) (C-130H)
(Minneapolis St Paul, MN)
136th Airlift Wing (TX ANG) (C-130H) (NAS JRB
Fort Worth, TX)
137th Airlift Wing (OK ANG) (C-130H) (Will
Rogers AP, Oklahoma City, OK)
139th Airlift Wing (MO ANG) (C-130H)
(Rosecrans MAP, MO)
145th Airlift Wing (NC ANG) (C-130H) (Charlotte
153rd Airlift Wing (WY ANG) (C-130H)
(Cheyenne MAP, WY)
165th Airlift Wing (GA ANG) (C-130H) (Savannah
166th Airlift Wing (DE ANG) (C-130H) (Greater
Wilmington AP, DE)
167th Airlift Wing (WV ANG) (C-130H)
(Martinsburgh AP, WV)
179th Airlift Wing (OH ANG) (C-130H)
(Mansfield-Lahm AP, OH)
152nd Airlift Wing (NV ANG) (C-130E/H) (Reno-
Tahoe IAP, NV)
143rd Airlift Wing (RI ANG) (C-130E) (Quonsett
Point St AP, RI)
146th Airlift Wing (CA ANG) (C-130E) (NAWS Pt
Magu, CA)
182nd Airlift Wing (IL ANG) (C-130E) (Greater
Peoria AP, IL)
107th Air Refueling Wing (NY ANG) (KC-135R)
(Niagara Falls AP, NY)
117th Air Refueling Wing (AL ANG) (KC-135R)
(Birmingham MAP, AL)
121st Air Refueling Wing (OH ANG) (KC-135R)
(Rickenbacker ANGB, OH)
157th Air Refueling Wing (NH ANG) (KC-135R)
(Pease AFB, NH)
163rd Air Refueling Wing (CA ANG) (KC-135R)
(March AFB, CA)
184th Air Refueling Wing (KS ANG) (KC-135R)
(McConnell AFB, KS)
186th Air Refueling Wing (MS ANG) (KC-135R,
C-26B) (Key Fd, Meridian, MS)
101st Air Refueling Wing (ME ANG) (KC-135E)
(Bangor IAP, ME)
108th Air Refueling Wing (NJ ANG) (KC-135E)
(McGuire AFB, NJ)
126th Air Refueling Wing (IL ANG) (KC-135E)
(Chicago-O'Hare IAP, IL)
134th Air Refueling Wing (TN ANG) (KC-135E)
(McGhee-Tyson AP, TN)
141st Air Refueling Wing (WA ANG) (KC-135E,
C-26B) (Fairchild AFB, WA)
151st Air Refueling Wing (UT ANG) (KC-135E)
(Salt Lake City IAP, UT)
161st Air Refueling Wing (AZ ANG) (KC-135E)
(Phoenix-Sky Harbour AP, AZ)
171st Air Refueling Wing (PA ANG) (KC-135E)
(Greater Pittsburgh IAP, PA)
190th Air Refueling Wing (KS ANG) (KC-135D/E)
(Korbes Fd, Topeka, KS)
Military Sealift Command (MSC) (Washington Navy Yard, DC)
Sealift Logistics Command Atlantic (SEALOGLANT) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
Sealift Logistics Command Pacific (SEALOGPAC) (NB
San Diego, CA)
Military Sealift Command Europe (MSCEUR) (Naples,
Military Sealift Command Central (MSCCENT) (Manama,
Military Sealift Command Far East (COMSCFE)
(Yokohoma, Japan)
Prepositioning Force
Combat Prepositioning Force
Afloat Prepositioning Ships Squadron Four
Maritime Prepositioning Force
Maritime Prepositioning Ship Squadron 1
Maritime Prepositioning Ship Squadron 2
Maritime Prepositioning Ship Squadron 3
Sealift Force
Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force
Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC)
(Alexandria, VA)
143rd Transportation Command (USAR) (Orlando, FL)
7th Transportation Group (Composite) (Ft Eustis,
32nd Transportation Group (Composite) (USAR)
(Tampa, FL)
300th Transportation Group (Composite) (USAR)
(Butler, PA)
336th Transportation Group (Composite) (USAR)
(Ft Sheridan, IL)
375th Transportation Group (Composite) (USAR)
(Mobile, AL)
1179th Deployment Support Brigade (USAR) (Ft
Hamilton, NY)
1190th Deployment Support Brigade (USAR) (Baton
Rouge, LA)
1394th Deployment Support Brigade (USAR) (Cp
Pendleton, CA)
1176th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR)
(Baltimore, MD)
1185th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR)
(Lancaster, PA)
1192nd Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR) (New
Orleans, LA)
1186th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR)
(Jacksonville, FL)
1189th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR)
(Charleston, SC)
1395th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR) (Seattle,
1397th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR) (Mare
Island, CA)
595th Transportation Terminal Group (Camp Spearhead
(Ash Shuaiba), Kuwait
597th Transportation Terminal Group (Sunny Point, NC)
598th Transportation Terminal Group (Rotterdam,
599th Transportation Terminal Group (Wheeler AAF, HI)
Main Sources:
Army: Green Book 1998-1999/1999-2000/2001-2002/2002-2003/2003-2004
Arlington, VA: Association of the US Army, 1999-2004
United States Air Force: Yearbook 1999/2000/2001/2002
RAF Fairford, UK: RAF Benevolent Fund, 1999-2002.
Alexandria, VA:, 2002-2005.
Various other Web Sites.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
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