Saturday, February 16, 2008

US Armed Forces Order of Battle

US Armed Forces Order of Battle
While not quite just a rough draft anymore, this is a fairly continously revised list. Please
note that this order of battle reflects wartime, operational command and control rather
than peacetime administrative command and control. For example, you will find I Corps
under US Army Pacific rather than US Army Forces Command. Purely training
establishments have not been included.
Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Neil Baumgardner
Last Updated: April 17, 2006
Department of Defense (Pentagon, Washington, DC)
 US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) (Offut AFB, NE)
o Joint Information Operations Center (Offut AFB, NE)
o Strategic Communications Wing 1 (SCW 1) (TACAMO) (E-6B) (Tinker
o 20th Air Force (Francis E Warren AFB, WY)
 90th Space Wing (LGM-118A, LGM-30G, UH-1N) (Francis E
Warren AFB, WY)
 91st Space Wing (LGM-30G, UH-1N) (Minot AFB, ND)
 341st Space Wing (LGM-30G, UH-1N) (Malmstrom AFB, MT)
o (8th Air Force (Barksdale AFB, LA))
o 14th Air Force / US Space Air Force (USSPACEAF) (Vandenburg AFB,
 21st Space Wing (Missile Warning) (Peterson AFB, CO)
 30th Space Wing (Missile Testing and Booster Launching) (LGM-
30G, LGM-118A, UH-1N) (Vandenburg AFB, CA)
 45th Space Wing (Booster Launching and NASA Support) (Patrick
 50th Space Wing (Satellite Operations) (Schriever AFB, CO)
 614th Space Operations Group (Vandenburg AFB, CA)
 460th Air Base Wing (Buckley ANGB, CO)
o Naval Submarine Forces (NAVSUBFOR) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Submarine Force Atlantic Fleet (SUBLANT) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Submarine Group 10 (SUBGRU 10) (NSB King's Bay,
 Submarine Squadron 16 (SUBRON 16) (NSB
King's Bay, GA)
 Submarine Squadron 20 (SUBRON 20) (NSB
King's Bay, GA)
 Submarine Force Pacific Fleet (SUBPAC) (NB Pearl Harbor, HI)
 Submarine Group 9 (SUBGRU 9) (NSB Bangor, WA)
 Submarine Squadron 17 (SUBRON 17) (NSB
Bangor, WA)
 Submarine Squadron 19 (SUBRON 19) (NSB
Bangor, WA)
o Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) (Peterson AFB, CO)
 (20th Air Force (Francis E Warren AFB, WY))
 (14th Air Force / US Space Air Force (USSPACEAF)
(Vandenburg AFB, CA))
o Fleet Forces Command (FFC) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 (Naval Submarine Forces (NAVSUBFOR) (NB Norfolk, VA))
o US Army Space and Missile Defense Command (USARSPACE) / US
Army Forces Strategic Command (USARSTRAT) (Arlington, VA)
 100th Missile Defense Brigade (Ground-based Missile Defense)
(Peterson AFB< CO)
 1st Space Brigade (Provisional) (Peterson AFB, CO?)
o Marine Forces Strategic Command (MARFORSTRAT) (Offut AFB, NE)
o US Naval Network Warfare Command (NETWARCOM) (NAB Little
Creek, VA)
o Joint Task Force-Global Network Operations (Offut AFB, NE)
 US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) (Peterson AFB, CO)
o North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) (Peterson AFB,
 Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center (Peterson AFB, CO)
 1st Air Force / Continental US (CONUS) NORAD Region
(Tyndall AFB, FL)
 Northeast Air Defense Sector (NY ANG) (Rome, NY)
 102nd Fighter Wing (MA ANG) (F-15A/B, C-26B)
(Otis ANGB, MA)
 158th Fighter Wing (VT ANG) (F-16C/D, C-26B)
(Burlington IAP, VT)
 Detachment 1, 119th Fighter Wing (ND ANG) (F-
16A/B (Langley AFB, VA)
 Southeast Air Defense Sector (FL ANG) (Tyndall AFB,
 125th Fighter Wing (FL ANG) (F-15A/B, C-26B)
(Jacksonville IAP, FL)
 Detachment 1 (FL ANG) (F-15A/B)
(Homestead ARB, FL)
 147th Fighter Wing (TX ANG) (F-16C/D, C-26B)
(Ellington ANGB, Houston, TX)
 Detachment 1, 148th Fighter Wing (MN ANG) (F-
16A/B) (Tyndall AFB, FL)
 Western Air Defense Sector (WA ANG) (McChord AFB,
 142nd Fighter Wing (OR ANG) (F-15A/B, C-26B)
(Portland IAP, OR)
 119th Fighter Wing (ND ANG) (F-16A/B, C-26B)
(Hector Fd, ND)
 120th Fighter Wing (MT ANG) (F-16A/B, C-26B)
(Great Falls IAP, MT)
 144th Fighter Wing (CA ANG) (F-16C/D, C-26B)
(Fesno Air Terminal, CA)
 Detachment 1 (CA ANG) (F-16C/D) (March
 148th Fighter Wing (MN ANG) (F-16A/B, C-26B)
(Duluth IAP, MN)
 (11th Air Force / Alaska NORAD Region (Elmendorf AFB, AK))
 (1st Canadian Air Division / Canadian NORAD Region
(Winnipeg, MB))
o US Army North / US Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) (Ft Sam
Houston, TX)
o Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region (JFHQ-NCR) (Ft
McNair, DC)
 3rd Infantry Regimental Combat Team (Ft Myer, VA)
 Military District of Washington (MDW) (Ft McNair, DC)
 11th Wing / Air Force District of Washington (Bolling AFB, DC)
 Naval District Washington (NDW) (Washington Navy Yard, DC)
 Marine Corps National Capital Region Command (MCNCRC)
(MCB Quantico, VA)
 US Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) (Norfolk NB, VA)
o US Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) (Ft McPherson, GA)
 III Corps (Ft Hood, TX)
 1st Cavalry Division (Ft Hood, TX)
 1st Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
 2nd Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
 3rd Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
 4th Brigade (Ft Bliss, TX)
 1st Air Cavalry Brigade (Ft Hood, TX (Deploys to
Iraq - Mid 2006)
 Fires Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
 Engineer Brigade? (Ft Hood, TX)
 15th Support Brigade (Ft Hood, TX (Deploys to
Iraq - Mid 2006)
 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (Ft Hood, TX
(Deployed to Iraq))
 1st Brigade (Ft Hood, TX (Deployed to Iraq))
 2nd Brigade (Ft Hood, TX (Deployed to Iraq))
 3rd Brigade (Ft Carson, CO (Deployed to Iraq))
 4th Brigade (Ft Hood, TX (Deployed to Iraq))
 Aviation Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
 Fires Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
 Sustainment Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment (Ft Carson, CO (Deployed
to Iraq) / Moves to Ft Hood - June 2006)
 6th Aviation Brigade (Ft Hood, TX?)
 385th Aviation Regiment (Attack) (AZ ARNG)
(Phoenix, AZ)
 63rd Aviation Group (Lift) (KY ARNG) (Frankfort,
 21st Cavalry Brigade (Air Combat) (Combat Aviation
Training) (Ft Hood, TX)
 III Corps Artillery (Ft Sill, OK)
 17th Field Artillery Brigade (Ft Sill, OK (Deployed
to Iraq))
 75th Field Artillery Brigade (Ft Sill, OK)
 212th Field Artillery Brigade (Ft Sill, OK)
 214th Field Artillery Brigade (Ft Sill, OK)
 263rd Army Air and Missile Defense Command (SC
ARNG) (Anderson, SC)
 31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Ft Bliss, TX)
 420th Engineer Brigade (Corps) (USAR) (Bryan, TX)
 89th Military Police Brigade (Ft Hood, TX (Deployed to
 460th Chemical Brigade (USAR) (North Little Rock, AR)
 13th Corps Support Command (Ft Hood, TX (Deploys to
Iraq mid-2006))
 4th Corps Materiel Management Center (Ft Hood,
 64th Corps Support Group (Ft Hood, TX)
 164th Corps Support Group (USAR) (Mesa, AZ)
 172nd Support Group (USAR) (Broken Arrow, OK
(Deployed to Iraq))
 1st Medical Brigade (Ft Hood, TX (Deployed to
 807th Medical Brigade (USAR) (Seagoville, TX)
 338th Medical Group (USAR) (Chester, PA)
 Phantom Support Group (Ft Hood, TX?)
 937th Engineer Group (Combat) (Combat Support and
Combat Service Support) (Ft Riley, KS)
 3rd Signal Brigade (Ft Hood, TX)
 504th Military Intelligence Brigade (Ft Hood, TX
(Deployed to Iraq))
 3rd Air Support Operations Group (USAF) (Ft Hood, TX)
 XVIII Airborne Corps (Ft Bragg, NC)
 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized) (Ft Stewart, GA)
 1st Brigade (Ft Stewart, GA)
 2nd Brigade (Ft Stewart, GA)
 3rd Brigade (Ft Benning, GA)
 4th Brigade (Ft Stewart, GA)
 Aviation Brigade (Hunter AAF)
 Division Fires Brigade (Ft Stewart, GA)
 Division Support Brigade (Ft Stewart, GA)
 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) (Ft Drum, NY
(Deployed to Afghanistan))
 1st Brigade (Ft Drum, NY (Deployed to Iraq))
 2nd Brigade (Ft Drum, NY (Deploys to Iraq mid-
 3rd Brigade (Ft Drum, NY (Deployed to
 4th Brigade (Ft Polk, LA)
 10th Multi-Function Aviation Brigade (Ft Drum,
 10th Support Brigade (Ft Drum, NY)
 82nd Airborne Division (Ft Bragg, NC)
 1st Brigade / 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment (Ft
Bragg, NC (Deployed to Afghanistan))
 2nd Brigade / 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment (Ft
Bragg, NC)
 3rd Brigade / 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment
(Ft Bragg, NC (Deploys to Iraq mid-2006))
 4th Brigade / 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment (Ft
Bragg, NC)
 82nd Aviation Brigade (Ft Bragg, NC)
 Division Artillery / 319th Field Artillery Regiment
(Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC)
 82nd Sustainment Brigade / Division Support
Command (Ft Bragg, NC)
 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) (Ft Campbell, KY
(Deployed to Iraq))
 1st Brigade / 327th Infantry Regiment (Ft
Campbell, KY (Deployed to Iraq))
 2nd Brigade / 502nd Infantry Regiment (Ft
Campbell, KY (Deployed to Iraq))
 3rd Brigade / 187th Infantry Regiment (Ft
Campbell, KY (Deployed to Iraq))
 4th Brigade / 506th Infantry Regiment (Ft
Campbell, KY (Deployed to Iraq?))
 101st Aviation Brigade (Ft Campbell, KY
(Deployed to Iraq))
 159th Aviation Brigade (Assault) (Ft Campbell,
 Division Artillery (Ft Campbell, KY)
 Division Support Command (Ft Campbell, KY)
 (11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (OPFOR) (Ft Irwin, CA)
 18th Aviation Brigade (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC (Deployed
to Iraq))
 449th Aviation Group (Lift) (NC ARNG) (Kinston,
 XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery (Ft Bragg, NC)
 18th Field Artillery Brigade (Airborne) (Ft Bragg,
 54th Field Artillery Brigade (VA ARNG) (Virginia
Beach, VA)
 103rd Field Artillery Brigade (RI ARNG)
(Providence, RI)
 113th Field Artillery Brigade (NC ARNG)
(Greensboro, NC)
 130th Field Artillery Brigade (KS ARNG) (Topeka,
 135th Field Artillery Brigade (MO ARNG)
(Sedalia, MO)
 138th Field Artillery Brigade (KY ARNG)
(Lexington, KY)
 142nd Field Artillery Brigade (AR ARNG)
(Fayetteville, AR)
 147th Field Artillery Brigade (SD ARNG) (Sioux
Falls, SD)
 151st Field Artillery Brigade (SC ARNG) (Sumter,
 169th Field Artillery Brigade (CO ARNG) (Aurora,
 196th Field Artillery Brigade (TN ARNG)
(Chattanooga, TN)
 197th Field Artillery Brigade (NH ARNG)
(Manchester, NH)
 209th Field Artillery Brigade (NY ARNG)
(Rochester, NY)
 108th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Ft Bliss, TX)
 16th Military Police Brigade (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC
(Deployed to Iraq))
 20th Engineer Brigade (Combat) (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC
(Deployed to Iraq))
 30th Engineer Brigade (Theater Army) (NC ARNG)
(Charlotte, NC)
 525th Military Intelligence Brigade (Airborne) (Ft Bragg,
NC (Deployed to Iraq))
 35th Signal Brigade (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC (Deployed
to Iraq))
 1st Corps Support Command (Ft Bragg, NC (Deployed to
 2nd Support Center (Ft Bragg, NC)
 24th Corps Support Group (Ft Stewart, GA)
 46th Corps Support Group (Airborne) (Ft Bragg,
 101st Corps Support Group (Ft Campbell, KY)
 507th Corps Support Group (Airborne) (Ft Bragg,
 30th Corps Support Group (NC ARNG) (Durham,
 (350th Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (Pensacola, FL))
 44th Medical Brigade (Ft Bragg, NC)
 Dragon Brigade (Rear Operations Headquarters) (Ft Bragg,
 18th Air Support Operations Group (Pope AFB, NC)
 32nd Air and Missile Defense Command (Ft Bliss, TX)
 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Ft Bliss, TX)
 (35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Osan AB, South
 Detachment 1 (FL ARNG) (Orlando, FL)
 Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM) / 9th
Army Signal Command (Ft Huachuca, AZ)
 11th Signal Brigade (Ft Huachuca, AZ)
 21st Signal Brigade (Ft Detrick, MD)
 (5th Signal Command (Mannheim, Germany))
 2nd Signal Brigade (Mannheim, Germany)
 7th Signal Brigade (Mannheim, Germany)
 (311th Theater Signal Command (USAR) (Ft Meade, MD))
 1st Signal Brigade (Seoul, South Korea)
 335th Theater Signal Command (USAR) (East Point, GA
(Deployed to to Kuwait))
 160th Signal Brigade (Strategic) (Cp Arifjan,
 (93rd Signal Brigade (Ft Gordon, GA))
 (516th Signal Brigade (Ft Shafter, HI))
 52nd Ordnance Group (Ft Gillem, GA)
 111th Ordnance Group (AL ARNG) (Ft Gillem, GA)
 National Training Center (NTC) (Ft Irwin, CA)
 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (OPFOR) (Ft Irwin, CA)
 Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) (Ft Polk, LA)
 Warrior Brigade (Support) (Ft Polk, LA)
 1st US Army (Ft Gillem, GA)
 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (Ft Riley, KS)
 30th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (Enhanced
Readiness) (NC ARNG) (Clinton, NC)
 48th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (Enhanced
Readiness) (GA ARNG) (Macon, GA (Deployed to
 218th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (Enhanced
Readiness) (SC ARNG) (Newberry, SC)
 28th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (PA ARNG)
(Harrisburg, PA)
 2nd Brigade (Mechanized) (PA ARNG)
(Washington, PA (Deployed to Iraq))
 55th Armored Brigade (PA ARNG) (Scranton, PA)
 56th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (PA ARNG)
(Philadelphia, PA)
 28th Aviation Brigade (PA ARNG) (Ft Indiantown
Gap, PA)
 Division Artillery (PA ARNG) (Hershey, PA)
 28th Engineer Brigade (VA ARNG) (Ft A.P. Hill,
 Division Support Command (PA ARNG) (?, PA)
 34th Infantry Division (Medium) (MN ARNG)
(Rosemount, MN)
 1st Brigade (Mechanized) (MN ARNG) (Stillwater,
MN (Deploys to Iraq mid-2006))
 2nd Brigade (Air Assault) (IA ARNG) (Boone, IA
(Deployed to Task Force Falcon))
 34th Aviation Brigade (MN ARNG) (St Paul, MN)
 Division Artillery (MN ARNG) (Brooklyn Park,
 34th Engineer Brigade (Mechanized) (ND ARNG)
(Bismarck, ND)
 Division Support Command (MN ARNG)
(Bloomington, MN)
 35th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (KS ARNG) (Ft
Leavenworth, KS)
 149th Armored Brigade (KY ARNG) (Louisville,
 66th Infantry Brigade (Air Assault) (IL ARNG)
(Dacatur, IL)
 35th Aviation Brigade (MO ARNG) (Warrensburg,
 Division Artillery (KS ARNG) (Hutchinson, KS)
 Engineer Brigade (MO ARNG) (Ft Leanord Wood,
 Division Support Command (MO ARNG)
 38th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (IN ARNG)
(Indianapolis, IN)
 2nd Brigade (IN ARNG) (Kokomo, IN)
 37th Armored Brigade (OH ARNG) (N Canton,
 46th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (MI ARNG)
(Wyoming, MI)
 38th Aviation Brigade (IN ARNG) (Shelbyville,
 Division Artillery (IN ARNG) (Indianapolis, IN)
 Engineer Brigade (MI ARNG) (Flint, MI)
 Division Support Command (IN ARNG)
(Indianapolis, IN)
 42nd Infantry Division (Mechanized) (NY ARNG) (Troy,
 3rd Brigade (Mechanized) (NY ARNG) (Buffalo,
 50th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (NJ ARNG) (Ft
Dix, NJ)
 86th Armored Brigade (VT ARNG) (Montpelier,
 42nd Aviation Brigade (NY ARNG) (Patchogue,
 Engineer Brigade (NY ARNG) (Buffalo, NY)
 Division Support Command (NJ ARNG) (Somerset,
 29th Infantry Division (Light) (VA ARNG) (Ft Belvoir,
 1st Brigade / 116th Infantry Regiment (VA ARNG)
(Staunton, VA)
 3rd Brigade (MD ARNG) (Pikesville Military
Reservation, MD)
 26th Infantry Brigade (Light) (MA ARNG)
(Springfield, MA)
 Division Aviation Brigade (MD ARNG) (Aberdeen
Proving Ground, MD)
 Division Artillery (VA ARNG) (Sandston, VA)
 Division Support Command (MD ARNG) (Towson,
 155th Armored Brigade (Enhanced Readiness) (MS
ARNG) (Tupelo, MS (Deployed to Iraq))
 27th Infantry Brigade (Light) (Enhanced Readiness) (NY
ARNG) (Syracuse, NY)
 32nd Infantry Brigade (Light) (WI ARNG) (Madison, WI)
 76th Infantry Brigade (Light) (Enhanced Readiness) (IN
ARNG) (Indianapolis, IN)
 256th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (Enhanced
Readiness) (LA ARNG) (Lafayette, LA)
 631st Field Artillery Brigade (MS ARNG) (Grenada, MS)
 168th Engineer Group (MS ARNG) (Vicksburg, MS)
 43rd Military Police Brigade (RI ARNG) (Warwick, RI)
 244th Theater Aviation Brigade (Lift) (USAR) (Ft
Sheridan, IL)
 31st Chemical Brigade (AL ARNG) (Northport, AL)
 228th Signal Brigade (SC ARNG) (Spartanburg, SC)
 261st Signal Brigade (DE ARNG) (Dover, DE)
 184th Transportation Group (Composite) (MS ARNG)
(Laurel, MS)
 78th Division (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Dix, NJ)
 1st Brigade (Battle Command Staff Training)
(USAR) (Edison, NJ)
 2nd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Drum,
 4th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Bragg,
 5th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Meade,
 85th Division (Training Support) (USAR) (Arlington
Heights, IL)
 1st Brigade (Battle Command Staff Training)
(USAR) (Ft Sheridan, IL)
 2nd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
McCoy, WI)
 3rd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Benjamin Harrison, IN)
 4th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Knox,
 87th Division (Exercise) (USAR) (Birmingham, AL)
 1st Brigade (Battle Command Staff Training)
(USAR) (Birmingham, AL)
 2nd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Patrick
 3rd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Cp
Shelby, MS)
 4th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Stewart, GA)
 5th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Jackson, SC)
 5th US Army (Ft Sam Houston, TX)
 7th Infantry Division (Light) (Ft Carson, CO)
 39th Infantry Brigade (Light) (Enhanced Readiness)
(AR ARNG) (Little Rock, AR)
 41st Infantry Brigade (Light) (Enhanced Readiness)
(OR ARNG) (Portland, OR)
 45th Infantry Brigade (Light) (Enhanced Readiness)
(OK ARNG) (Oklahoma City, OK)
 36th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (TX ARNG) (Austin,
 56th Cavalry Brigade (TX ARNG) (Fort Worth,
 36th Infantry Brigade (TX ARN) (Houston, TX)
 72nd Infantry Brigade (TX ARNG) (Dallas, TX)
 Aviation Brigade (TX ARNG) (Austin, TX)
 Division Artillery (TX ARNG) (San Antonio, TX)
 Engineer Brigade (TX ARNG) (Austin, TX)
 Division Support Command (TX ARNG) (Austin,
 57th Field Artillery Brigade (WI ARNG) (Milwaukee, WI)
 115th Engineer Group (Construction) (UT ARNG) (Draper,
 300th Military Intelligence Brigade (Linguist) (UT ARNG)
(Draper, UT)
 75th Division (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Sam
Houston, TX)
 1st Brigade (Battle Command Staff Training)
(USAR) (Houston, TX)
 2nd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Sam
Houston, TX)
 3rd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Riley,
 4th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Sill,
 91st Division (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft. Baker, CA)
 1st Brigade (Battle Command Staff Training)
(USAR) (Cp Parks, CA)
 2nd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Carson, CO)
 3rd Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Oakland,
 4th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Lewis,
 67th Area Support Group (NE ARNG) (Lincoln, NE)
 US Army Reserve Command (USARC) (Atlanta, GA)
 63rd Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Los
Alamitos, CA)
 104th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR)
(Vancouver Bks, WA)
 1st Training Brigade (Military Police One-
Station Unit Training) (USAR) (Vancouver
Bks, WA)
 3rd Brigade (Combat Support) (USAR)
(Vancouver Bks, WA)
 4th Brigade (Combat Service Support) /
104th Regiment (USAR) (Cp Parks, CA)
 5th Brigade (Health Services) (USAR) (Salt
Lake City, UT)
 6th Brigade (Professional Development)
(USAR) (Aurora, CO)
 7th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Lewis, WA)
 8th Brigade (USAR) (SROTC) (?)
 653rd Area Support Group (USAR) (Moreno
Valley, CA)
 2nd Medical Brigade (USAR) (Hamilton Fd, CA)
 70th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Ft Lawton,
 654th Area Support Group (Tumwater, WA)
 77th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Ft Totten,
 800th Military Police Brigade (Enemy Prisoner of
War) (USAR) (Uniondale, NY)
 455th Chemical Brigade (USAR) (Ft Dix, NJ)
 98th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR)
(Rochester, NY)
 1st Brigade (Military Police One-Station
Unit Training) (USAR) (Providence, RI)
 2nd Brigade (Initial Entry Training) (USAR)
(Buffalo, NY)
 3rd Brigade (Combat Support) (USAR)
(Bronx, NY)
 4th Brigade (Combat Service Support)
(USAR) (West Hartford, CT)
 5th Brigade (Health Services) (USAR) (Ft
Hamilton, NY)
 6th Brigade (Professional Development)
(USAR) (Mattydale, NY)
 7th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR)
(Rochester, NY)
 8th Brigade (SROTC) (USAR) (West
Hartford, CT)
 301st Area Support Group (USAR) (Flushing, NY)
 8th Medical Brigade (USAR) (Ft Wadsworth, NY)
 77th Infantry Division (Reinforcement Training
Unit) (USAR) (Ft Totten, NY)
 81st Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Birmingham,
 100th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR)
(Louisville, KY)
 1st Brigade / 397th Cavalry Regiment
(Cavalry One-Station Unit Training)
(USAR) (Lexington, KY)
 2nd Brigade (Initial Entry Training) (USAR)
(Owensboro, KY)
 3rd Brigade / 100th Regiment (Combat
Support) (USAR) (Huntsville, AL)
 4th Brigade (Combat Service Support)
(USAR) (Montgomery, AL)
 5th Brigade (Health Services) (USAR)
(Memphis, TN)
 6th Brigade (Professional Development)
(USAR) (Louisville, KY)
 7th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Knox, KY)
 8th Brigade (SROTC) (Louisville, KY)
 108th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR)
(Charlotte, NC)
 1st Brigade (Basic Combat Training)
(USAR) (Spartanburg, SC)
 2nd Brigade (Basic Combat Training)
(USAR) (Ft Jackson, SC)
 3rd Brigade (Combat Support) (USAR) (Ft
Jackson, SC)
 4th Brigade (Combat Service Support)
(USAR) (Atlanta, GA)
 5th Brigade (Health Services) (USAR)
(Jacksonville, FL)
 6th Brigade (Professional Development)
(USAR) (Concord, NC)
 7th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Jackson, SC)
 8th Brigade (Multifunctional) (San Juan,
 9th Brigade (SROTC) (USAR) (Charlotte,
 926th Engineer Group (USAR) (Montgomery, AL)
 415th Chemical Brigade (USAR) (Greenville, SC)
 81st Regional Support Group (USAR) (Ft Jackson,
 171st Area Support Group (USAR) (Garner, NC)
 640th Area Support Group (USAR) (Nashville, TN)
 641st Area Support Group (USAR) (St Petersburg,
 642nd Area Support Group (USAR) (Ft Gordon,
 1st Headquarters Brigade (USAR) (Nashville, TN)
 332nd Medical Brigade (USAR) (Nashville, TN)
 5th Medical Group (USAR) (Birmingham, AL)
 88th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Fort
Snelling, MN)
 84th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR)
(Milwaukee, WI)
 1st Brigade (Infantry One-Station Unit
Training) (USAR) (Livonia, MI)
 2nd Brigade (Basic Combat Training)
(USAR) (Beaver Dam, WI)
 3rd Brigade (Combat Support) (USAR) (Ft
Snelling, MN)
 4th Brigade (Combat Service Support)
(USAR) (Indianapolis, IN)
 5th Brigade (Health Services) (USAR)
(Milwaukee, WI)
 6th Brigade (Professional Development)
(USAR) (Waukegan, WI)
 7th Brigade (Training Support) (USAR)
(Milwaukee, WI)
 8th Brigade (SROTC) (USAR) (Milwaukee,
 300th Military Police Command (USAR) (Inkster,
 303rd Ordnance Group (USAR) (Springfield, IL)
 88th Regional Readiness Group (USAR)
(Indianapolis, IN)
 643rd Area Support Group (USAR) (Whitehall,
 644th Area Support Group (USAR) (Ft Snelling,
 645th Area Support Group (USAR) (Southfield,
 646th Area Support Group (USAR) (Madison, WI)
 330th Medical Brigade (USAR) (Ft Sheridan, IL)
 307th Medical Group (USAR) (Whitehall,
 89th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Wichita, KS)
 95th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR)
(Oklahoma City, OK)
 1st Brigade (Field Artillery One-Station
Unit Training) (USAR) (Lawton, OK)
 2nd Brigade (Basic Combat Training)
(USAR) (Oklahoma City, OK)
 3rd Brigade (Combat Support) (USAR)
(Broken Arrow, OK)
 4th Brigade (Combat Service Support)
(USAR) (Dallas, TX)
 5th Brigade (Health Services) (USAR) (San
Antonio, TX)
 6th Brigade (Professional Development)
(USAR) (Topeka, KS)
 7th Brigade / 379th Regiment (Training
Support) (USAR) (North Little Rock, AR)
 8th Brigade (SROTC) Brigade (USAR)
(Oklahoma City, OK)
 166th Aviation Brigade (Training Support) (Ft
Riley, KS)
 561st Corps Support Group (USAR) (Omaha, NE)
 917th Corps Support Group (USAR) (Belton, MO)
 326th Area Support Group (USAR) (Kansas City,
 648th Are Support Group (USAR) (St Louis, MO)
 331st Medical Group (USAR) (Wichita, KS)
 90th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Little Rock
 647th Area Support Group (USAR) (El Paso, TX)
 90th Regional Support Group (USAR) (San
Antonio, TX)
 94th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Ft Devens,
 167th Area Support Group (USAR) (Manchester,
NH (Deployed to Iraq))
 804th Medical Brigade (USAR) (Ft Devens, MA)
 96th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Ft Douglas,
 650th Area Support Group (USAR) (Salt Lake City,
 651st Area Support Group (USAR) (Denver, CO)
 652nd Area Support Group (USAR) (Helena, MT)
 99th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Moon
Township, PA)
 220th Military Police Brigade (USAR)
(Gaithersburg, MD)
 367th Military Police Group (USAR) (Ashley, PA)
 80th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR)
(Richmond, VA)
 1st Brigade / 318th Regiment (Military
Police One-Station Unit Training) (USAR)
(Ft Meade, MD)
 2nd Brigade (Chemical One-Station Unit
Training) (USAR) (Salem, VA)
 3rd Brigade (Combat Support) (USAR)
(Harrisburg, PA)
 4th Brigade (Combat Service Support)
(USAR) (Charleston, WV)
 5th Brigade (Health Services) (USAR)
(Wilmington, DE)
 6th Brigade (Professional Development)
(USAR) (Ft Belvior, VA)
 7th Brigade / 319th Regiment (Training
Support) (USAR) (Salem, VA)
 8th Brigade (SROTC) (USAR) (Richmond,
 38th Ordnance Group (USAR) (Charleston, WV)
 475th Quartermaster Group (Petroleum & Water)
(USAR) (Farrell, PA)
 656th Area Support Group (USAR) (NAS Willow
Grove, PA)
 309th Medical Group (USAR) (Rockville, MD)
 99th Headquarters Brigade (USAR) (Willow Grove,
o US Air Force Air Combat Command (ACC) (Langley AFB, VA)
 (1st Air Force (Tyndall AFB, FL))
 8th Air Force (Barksdale AFB, LA)
 2nd Bomb Wing (B-52H) (Barksdale AFB, LA)
 5th Bomb Wing (B-52H) (Minot AFB, ND)
 (917th Wing (Fighter and Bomber) (AFRes) (B-52H,
OA/A-10A) (Barksdale, AFB))
 509th Bomb Wing (B-2A, T-38A) (Whiteman AFB, MO)
 9th Reconnaissance Wing(U-2S, TU-2S, T-38A) (Beale
 55th Wing (Reconnaissance and Air Control) (RC-
135S/U/V/W, OC-135B, WC-135C/W, TC-135S/W, E-4B)
 552nd Air Control Wing (E-3B/C, TC-18E) (Tinker AFB,
 513th Air Control Group (AFREs) (Associate unit)
(E-3B/C) (Tinker AFB, OK)
 116th Air Control Wing (E-8C JSTARS) (GA ARNG)
(Robins AFB, GA)
 67th Information Operations Wing (Lackland AFB, TX)
 70th Intelligence Wing (Ft Meade, MD)
 9th Air Force (Shaw AFB, SC)
 1st Fighter Wing (F-15C/D) (Langley AFB, VA)
 33rd Fighter Wing (F-15C/D) (Eglin AFB, FL)
 4th Fighter Wing (F-15E) (Seymour Johnson AFB, NC)
 23rd Fighter Group (OA/A-10A) (Pope AFB, NC)
 20th Fighter Wing (SEAD) (F-16CJ/DJ) (Shaw AFB, SC)
 820th Security Forces Group (Moody AFB, GA)
 5th Combat Communications Group (Robins AFB, GA)
 12th Air Force (Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ)
 7th Bomb Wing (B-1B) (Dyess AFB, TX)
 28th BombWing (B-1B) (Ellsworth AFB, SD)
 366th Wing (Fighter and Bomber) (B-1B, F-15C/D/E, F-
16CJ/DJ, KC-135R) (Mountain Home AFB, ID)
 388th Fighter Wing (F-16CG/DJ) (Hill AFB, UT)
 27th Fighter Wing (F-16CG/DG) (Cannon AFB, NM)
 301st Fighter Wing (AFRes) (F-16C/D) (NAS Fort Worth
 49th Fighter Wing (F-117A, AT-38B, T-38A) (Holloman
 355th Wing (Fighter and Electronic Countermeasures)
(OA/A-10A, EC-130E/H) (Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ)
 507th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135R, E-3B/C,
TC-18E) (Tinker AFB, OK)
 10th Air Force (AFRes) (NAS Fort Worth JRB, TX)
 917th Wing (Fighter and Bomber) (AFRes) (B-52H, OA/A-
10A) (Barksdale, AFB)
 419th Fighter Wing (AFRes) (F-16C/D) (Hill AFB, UT)
 482nd Fighter Wing (AFRes) (F-16C/D) (Homestead ARB,
 442nd Fighter Wing (AFRes) (OA/A-10A) (Whiteman
 926th Fighter Wing (AFRes) (OA/A-10A) (NAS New
Orleans JRB, TX)
 920th Rescue Wing (AFRes) (HC-130P, C-130E, HH-60G)
(Patrick AFB, FL)
 Air Warfare Center (Nellis AFB, NV)
 53rd Wing (Test and Evaluation) (F-15C/D/E, F-
16C/CG/CJ/D/DG/DJ, F-117A, OA/A-10A, E-9A, Boeing
707, QF-4E/G, QRF-4C, HH-60G) (Eglin AFB, FL)
 57th Wing (Combat Training, Test and Evaluation) (F-
15C/D/E, F-16C/CG/CJ/D/DG/DJ, OA/A-10A, HH-60G,
RQ-1A) (Nellis AFB, NV)
 505th Command and Control Wing (Hurlburt Field, FL)
 99th Air Base Wing (Nellis AFB, NV)
 Air National Guard (ANG)
 131st Fighter Wing (MO ANG) (F-15A/B) (Lambert Fd, St
Louis, MO)
 159th Fighter Wing (LA ANG) (F-15A/B, C-130E) (NAS
New Orleans JRB, LA)
 113th Wing (Fighter & Airlift) (DC ANG) (F-16C/D, C-
21A, C-38A) (Andrews AFB, MD)
 114th Fighter Wing (SD ANG) (F-16C/D) (Joes Foss Fd,
Sioux Falls, SD)
 115th Fighter Wing (WI ANG) (F-16C/D, C-26B) (Dane
CAP, Truax Fd, WI)
 122nd Fighter Wing (IN ANG) (F-16C/D) (Fort Wayne
 127th Wing (Fighter and Airlift) (MI ANG) (F-16C/D, C-
130E, C-26B) (Selfridge ANBG, MI)
 132nd Fighter Wing (IA ANG) (F-16CG/DG) (Des Moines
 138th Fighter Wing (OK ANG) (F-16CG/DG) (Tulsa IAP,
 140th Wing (Fighter & Training) (CO ANG) (F-16C/D, C-
21A, C-26A) (Buckley ANGB, CO)
 150th Fighter Wing (NM ANG) (F-16C/CG/D/DG, C-26B)
(Kirtland AFB, NM)
 174th Fighter Wing (NY ANG) (F-16C/D) (Syracuse-
Hancock Fd, NY)
 177th Fighter Wing (NJ ANG) (F-16C/D) (Atlantic City
 180th Fighter Wing (OH ANG) (F-16CG/DG) (Toledo
Express AP, OH)
 181st Fighter Wing (IN ANG) (F-16C/D) (Hulman Fd,
Terre Haute, IN)
 183rd Fighter Wing(IL ANG) (F-16C/D) (Capitol AP,
Springfield, IL)
 185th Fighter Wing (IA ANG) (F-16C/D) (Sioux City
Gateway AP, IA)
 187th Fighter Wing (AL ANG) (F-16C/D, C-26B)
(Montgomery-Dannelly Fd, AL)
 188th Fighter Wing (AR ANG) (F-16C/D) (Ft Rock MAP,
 192nd Fighter Wing (VA ANG) (F-16C/D) (Richard E
Byrd IAP, VA)
 169th Fighter Wing (SEAD) (SC ANG) (F-16CJ/D, C-
130E) (McEntire ANGB, SC)
 103rd Fighter Wing (CT ANG) (O/A-10A) (Bradley
 104th Fighter Wing (MA ANG) (O/A-10A) (Barnes MAP,
Westfield, MA)
 110th Fighter Wing (MI ANG) (O/A-10A) (Battle Creek
 111th Fighter Wing (PA ANG) (OA/A-10A, C-26A) (NAS
Willow Grove, PA)
 124th Fighter Wing (ID ANG) (O/A-10A) (Boise AT, ID)
 175th Wing (Fighter and Airlift) (MD ANG) (OA/A-10A)
(Glenn L Martin AP, Baltimore, MD)
 106th Rescue Wing (NY ANG) (HC-130N/P, HH-60G)
(Francis Gabreski ANGB, NY)
 129th Rescue Wing (CA ANG) (HC-130P, HH-60G) (NAS
Moffett Fd, CA)
o US Navy Atlantic Fleet (LANTFLT) (Norfolk NB, VA)
 US 2nd Fleet (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Task Force 20 (2nd Fleet Battle Force)
 Theodore Roosevelt Strike Group / Carrier Strike
Group 2 (CARSTRKGRU 2) (USS Theodore
Roosevelt (CVN 71)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Surge
 USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
 Carrier Air Wing 8 (CVW 8) (NAS Oceana,
 USS San Jacinto (CG 56) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Destroyer Squadron 22 (DESRON 22) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
 Harry S. Truman Strike Group / Carrier Strike
Group 10 (CARSTRKGRU 10) (USS Harry
Truman (CVN 75)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Post-
 USS Harry Truman (CVN 75) (NB Norfolk,
 Carrier Air Wing 3 (CVW 3) (NAS Oceana,
 USS Monterey (CG 61) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Amphibious Squadron 6 (PHIBRON 6) /
Expeditionary Strike Group 8 (USS Nassau
(LHA 4)) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit
(Special Operations Capable) (22nd
MEU (SOC)) (Cp Lejeune, NC)
 USS Pittsburgh (SSN 720) (NSB New
London, CT)
 USS Montpelier (SSN 765) (NB Norfolk,
 USNS Mount Baker (T-AE-34)
 USNS Kanawha (T-AO-196)
 John F. Kennedy Strike Group / Carrier Strike
Group 6 (CARSTRKGRU 6) (USS John F Kennedy
(CV 67)) (NS Mayport, FL (Post-Deployment))
 USS John F Kennedy (CV 67) (NS Mayport,
 Carrier Air Wing 17 (CVW 17) (NAS
Oceana, VA)
 USS Vicksburg (CG 69) (NS Mayport, FL)
 Destroyer Squadron 24 (DESRON 24) (NS
Mayport, FL)
 USS Boise (SSN 764) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 USS Toledo (SSN 769) (NSB New London,
 USS Seattle (AOE 3) (NWS Earle, NJ)
 Eisenhower Strike Group / Carrier Strike Group 8
(CARSTRKGRU 8) (USS Dwight D Eisenhower
(CVN 69)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Basic Training))
 USS Dwight D Eisenhower (CVN 69) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
 USS Anzio (CG 68) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 USS Vella Gulf (CG 72) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Enterprise Strike Group / Cruiser Strike Group 12
(CARSTRKGRU 12) (USS Enterprise (CVN 65))
(NB Norfolk, VA (Maintenance))
 USS Enterprise (CVN 65) (Norfolk NB,
 Carrier Air Wing 1 (CVW 1) (NAS Oceana,
 USS Cape St George (CG 71) (NB Norfolk,
 Destroyer Squadron 2 (DESRON 2) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
 USS Springfield (SSN 761) (NSB New
London, CT)
 USS Hartford (SSN 768) (NSB New
London, CT)
 USS Detroit (AOE 4) (NWS Earle, NJ)
 George Washington Strike Group (USS George
Washington (CVN 73)) (NB Norfolk, VA
 USS George Washington (CVN 73) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
 Carrier Air Wing 7 (CVW 7) (NAS Oceana,
 USS Oklahoma City (SSN 723) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
 USS Newport News (SSN 750) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
 USNS Laramie (T-AO 203)
 Carrier Strike Group 14 (CARSTRKGRU 14) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
 USS Philipine Sea (CG 58) (NS Mayport,
 USS Gettysburg (CG 64) (NS Mayport, FL)
 Destroyer Squadron 18 (DESRON 18) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
 Task Force 21 (2nd Fleet Patrol Reconnaissance Force) /
Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet
 Task Force 22 (2nd Fleet Amphibious Force) / Amphibious
Group 2 (PHIBGRU 2) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Kearsarge Expeditionary Strike Group /
Expeditionary Strike Group 6 / Amphibious
Squadron 8 (PHIBRON 8) (USS Kearsarge (LHD
3)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Deployed))
 USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special
Operations Capable) (26th MEU (SOC))
(Cp Lejeune, NC)
 USS Normandy (CG 60) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 USS Scranton (SSN 756) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Saipan Expeditionary Strike Group / Expeditionary
Strike Group 4 / Amphibious Squadron 2
(PHIBRON 2) (USS Saipan (LHA 2)) (NB Norfolk,
VA (Deployed))
 USS Saipan (LHA 2) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special
Operations Capable) (24th MEU (SOC))
(Cp Lejeune, NC)
 USS Hue City (CG 66) (NS Mayport, FL)
 Wasp Expeditionary Strike Group / Expeditionary
Strike Group 2 / Amphibious Squadron 4
(PHIBRON 4) (USS Wasp (LHD 1)) (NB Norfolk,
VA (Post-Deployment))
 USS Wasp (LHD 1) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 USS Connecticut (SSN 22) (NSB New
London, CT)
 Bataan Expeditionary Strike Group (USS Bataan
(LHD 5)) (NAB Little Creek, VA (Intermediate
 USS Bataan (LHD 5) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Naval Coastal Warfare Group Two (Williamsburg,
 Tactical Air Control Group 2 (TACGRU 2) (NAB
Little Creek, VA)
 Tactical Air Control Squadron 21
(TACRON 21) (NAB Little Creek, VA)
 Tactical Air Control Squadron 22
(TACRON 22) (NAB Little Creek, VA)
 Naval Beach Group 2 (NAVBEACHGRU 2) (NB
Norfolk, VA?)
 Task Force 23 (2nd Fleet Landing Force)
 Task Force 24 (2nd Fleet ASW Force)
 Task Force 25 (2nd Fleet Mobile Logistics Support Force) /
Combat Logistics Squadron 2 (LOGRON 2) (NB Norfolk,
 Task Force 26 (2nd Fleet Patrol Air Force) / Patrol and
Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet
 Task Force 28 (2nd Fleet Caribbean Contingency Force)
(NS Mayport, FL)
 Carrier Group 4 (CARGRU 4) / Carrier Striking Force
(Battle Group Training) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Task Force 40 / Naval Surface Force Atlantic Fleet
 Destroyer Squadron 26 (DESRON 26) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Destroyer Squadron 28 (DESRON 28) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Combat Logistics Squadron 2 (COMLOGRON 2) (NWS
Earle, NJ)
 Task Force 41 / Naval Air Force Atlantic Fleet (NAVAIRLANT)
(NAS Oceana, VA)
 Fighter Wing Atlantic Fleet (FITWINGLANT) (NAS
Oceana, VA)
 Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic Fleet
 Sea Control Wing Atlantic Fleet (SEACONWINGLANT)
(NAS Jacksonville, FL)
 Helicopter Anti-Submarine Wing Atlantic Fleet
(HSWINGLANT) (NAS Jacksonville, FL)
 Helicopter Anti-Submarine Light Wing Atlantic Fleet
 Helicopter Tactical Wing Atlantic Fleet
 Airborne EarlyWarning Wing Atlantic Fleet
 Reserve Carrier Air Wing 20 (CVWR 20) (NAS Atlanta,
 Task Force 42 / Naval Submarine Force Atlantic Fleet
 Submarine Group 2 (SUBGRU 2) (NSB New London, CT)
 Submarine Squadron 2 (SUBRON 2) (NSB New
London, CT)
 Submarine Squadron 4 (SUBRON 4) (NSB New
London, CT)
 Submarine Squadron 6 (SUBRON 6) (NB Norfolk,
 Submarine Squadron 8 (SUBRON 8) (NB Norfolk,
 Submarine Development Squadron 12
(SUBDEVRON 12) (NSB New London, CT)
 Naval Submarine Support Center (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Task Force 43 (Training Command Atlantic Fleet?)
 Task Force 44 (Coast Guard Force Atlantic Fleet) / Coast Guard
Atlantic Area (Portsmouth, VA)
 Task Force 45 / Fleet Marine Forces Atlantic (MARFORLANT)
(Norfolk NB, VA)
 Task Force 46 (Mine Warfare Command Atlantic Fleet
(MINEWARCOM)) (USS Inchon (MCS 12)) (NS Ingleside, TX)
 Counter Mine Squadron 1 (CMRON 1) (NS Ingleside, TX)
 Counter Mine Squadron 2 (CMRON 2) (NS Ingleside, TX)
 Counter Mine Squadron 3 (CMRON 3) (NS Ingleside, TX)
 Task Force 48 (Naval Construction Battalions Atlantic Fleet)
(NAB Little Creek, VA)
 22nd Naval Construction Regiment (NAB Little Creek,
 3rd Naval Construction Regiment (USNR)
 7th Naval Construction Regiment (USNR)
 20th Seabee Readiness Group (Training) (NCBC Gulfport,
 Task Force 80 (Naval Patrol and Protection of Shipping Atlantic
 Task Force 81 (Sea Control and Surveillance Force Atlantic Fleet)
/ Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet
 Task Force 82 (Amphibious Task Force)
 Task Force 83 (Landing Force (II Marine Expeditionary Force (II
MEF)) (Cp Lejeune, NC)
 Task Force 84 (ASW Force Atlantic Fleet) / Naval Submarine
Force Atlantic Fleet (NAVSUBLANT) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Task Force 85 (Mobile Logistics Support Force Atlantic Fleet) /
Combat Logistics Squadron 2 (LOGRON 2) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Task Force 86 (Patrol Air Force Atlantic Fleet) / Patrol and
Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet (PATRECONFORLANT)
(NS Norfolk, VA)
 Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 5 (PATRECONWING 5)
(NAS Brunswick, ME)
 Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 11 (PATRECONWING
11) (NAS Jacksonville, FL)
 Reserve Patrol Wing (RESPATWING) (NAS Oceana, VA)
 Task Force 87 (Tactical Development and Evaluation and Transit
Force Atlantic Fleet)
 Task Force 88 (Training Force Atlantic Fleet) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Task Force 89 (Maritime Defense Zone Atlantic Fleet) (USCGS
Portsmouth, VA)
 Task Force 125 (Naval Surface Group 2 (NAVSURFGRU 2)) (NS
Mayport, FL)
 Task Force 137 (Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic) (Naples, Italy)
 Task Force 138 (Naval Forces South Atlantic)
 Task Force 139 (Multilateral Special Operations Force)
 Task Force 142 (Operational Test and Evaluation Force) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
o US Fleet Marine Forces Atlantic (MARFORLANT) (Norfolk NB, VA)
 II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF) (Cp Lejeune, NC
(Deployed to Iraq))
 2nd Marine Division (Cp Lejeune, NC (Deployed to Iraq))
 2nd Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp Lejeune, NC
(Deployed to Iraq))
 6th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp Lejeune, NC)
 8th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp Lejeune, NC
(Deployed to Iraq))
 10th Marine Regiment (Artillery) (Cp Lejeune, NC)
 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade (Cp Lejeune, NC)
 2nd Marine Air Wing (2nd MAW) (MCAS Cherry Point,
NC (Deployed to Iraq))
 Marine Aircraft Group 31 (MAG-31) (Strike)
(MCAS Beaufort, SC)
 Marine Aircraft Group 14 (MAG-14) (Electronic
Warfare & Attack) (MCAS Cherry Point, NC)
 Marine Aircraft Group 26 (MAG-26) (Helicopter)
(MCAS New River, NC (Deployed to Iraq))
 Marine Aircraft Group 29 (MAG-29) (Helicopter)
(MCAS New River, NC)
 Marine Air Control Group 28 (MACG-28) (MCAS
Cherry Point, NC)
 Marine Wing Support Group 27 (MWSG-27)
(MCAS Cherry Point, NC)
 2nd Force Service Support Group (Cp Lejeune, NC
(Deployed to Iraq))
 IV Marine Expeditionary Force (Marine Forces Reserve
(MARFORRES)) (New Orleans, LA)
 4th Marine Division (MARFORRES) (New Orleans, LA)
 23rd Marine Regiment (Infantry) (MARFORRES)
(San Bruno, CA)
 24th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (MARFORRES)
(Kansas City, MO)
 25th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (RMARFORRES)
(Worcester, MA)
 14th Marine Regiment (Artillery) (MARFORRES)
(NAS Dallas, TX)
 4th Marine Air Wing (4th MAW) (MARFORRES) (New
Orleans, LA)
 Marine Aircraft Group 41 (MAG-41) (Strike)
 Marine Aircraft Group 42 (MAG-42) (Strike &
Helicopter) (MARFORRES) (NAS Atlanta, GA)
 Marine Aircraft Group 46 (MAG-46) (Strike &
Helicopter) (MARFORRES) (MCAS Miramar, CA)
 Marine Aircraft Group 49 (MAG-49) (Strike &
Helicopter) (MARFORRES) (NAS Willow Grove
 Marine Air Control Group 48 (MACG-48)
(MARFORRES) (Highwood, IL)
 Marine Wing Support Group 47 (MWSG-47)
(MARFORRES) (Selfridge ANGB, MA)
 4th Force Service Support Group (MARFORRES) (New
Orleans, LA)
 4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (Anti-Terrorism) (Cp Lejeune,
o Iceland Defense Force (IDF) (NAS Keflavik, Iceland)
 85th Group (NAS Keflavik, Iceland)
 Fleet Air Keflavik (FAIRKEF) (NAS Keflavik, Iceland)
o US Forces Azores (USAFORAZ) (Lajes Field, Azores)
 65th Air Base Wing (Lajes Field, Azores)
o Special Operations Command Joint Forces Command (SOCJFCOM)
(Norfolk NB, VA)
 US European Command (EUCOM) (Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany)
o US Army Europe (USAREUR) / 7th Army (Heidelberg, Germany)
 V Corps (Heidelberg, Germany)
 1st Armored Division (Bad Kreuznach, Germany)
 1st Brigade (Friedberg, Germany (Deployed to
 2nd Brigade (Baumholder, Germany (Deployed to
Cp Buehring, Kuwait))
 3rd Brigade (Ft Riley, KS)
 4th Brigade (Aviation) (Hanau, Germany)
 Division Artillery (Baumholder, Germany)
 Engineer Brigade (Bad Kreuznach, Germany)
 Division Support Command (Bad Kreuznach,
 1st Infantry Division (Mechanized) (Wuerzburg, Germany)
 1st Brigade (Ft Riley, KS)
 2nd Brigade (Schweinfurt, Germany (Deploys to
Iraq mid-2006))
 3rd Brigade (Cadre) (Vilseck, Germany)
 4th Brigade (Aviation) (Ansbach (Katterback),
 Division Artillery (Bamberg, Germany)
 Engineer Brigade (Bamberg, Germany)
 Division Support Command (Kitzengen, Germany)
 Army Prepositioned Stock 2 (APS-2) (Mechanized Infantry
Brigade (-)) (Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Norway,
 Task Force Falcon / 2nd Brigade (Air Assault) (IA ARNG),
34th Infantry Division (Medium) (Camp Bondsteel,
 11th Aviation Regiment (Attack) (Illesheim, Germany)
 12th Aviation Brigade (Giebelstadt Army Airfield,
Germany (Deployed to Afghanistan))
 V Corps Artillery (Wiesbaden, Germany)
 41st Field Artillery Brigade (Babenhausen,
 69th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Giebelstadt, Germany)
 18th Military Police Brigade (Mannheim, Germany)
 130th Engineer Brigade (Hanau, Germany)
 22nd Signal Brigade (Darmstadt, Germany)
 205th Military Intelligence Brigade (Wiesbaden, Germany)
 3rd Corps Support Command (Wiesbaden, Germany)
 372nd Engineer Group (Support) (USAR) (Des
Moines, IA)
 7th Corps Support Group (Bamberg, Germany)
 16th Corps Support Group (Hanau, Germany)
 649th Area Support Group (USAR) (Cedar Rapids,
 19th Support Center (USAR) (Arden Hills, MN)
 30th Medical Brigade (Heidelberg, Germany)
 4th Air Support Operations Group (USAF) (Heidelberg,
 South East European Task Force (SETAF) (Vicenza, Italy)
 173rd Airborne Brigade (Vicenza, Italy)
 22nd Area Support Group (Caserma Ederle, Italy)
 21st Theater Support Command (Kaiserslautern, Germany)
 29th Support Group (Kaiserslautern, Germany)
 6th Area Support Group (Stuttgart, Germany)
 26th Area Support Group (Heidelberg, Germany)
 80th Area Support Group (Chievres, Belgium)
 98th Area Support Group (Wurzburg, Germany)
 100th Area Support Group (Grafenwoehr, Germany)
 104th Area Support Group (Hanau, Germany)
 111th Area Support Group (TX ARNG) (Austin, TX)
 37th Transportation Command (Kaiserslautern?, Germany)
 200th Material Management Center (Kaiserslautern,
 5th Signal Command (Mannheim, Germany)
 2nd Signal Brigade (Mannheim, Germany)
 7th Signal Brigade (Mannheim, Germany)
 7th Army Reserve Command (USAR) (Schwetzingen, Germany)
 3747th Multifunctional Training Brigade (USAR)
(Grafenwoehr, Germany)
o US Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) (Ramstein AB, Germany)
 3rd Air Force (Ramstein AB, Germany)
 48th Fighter Wing (F-15C/D/E) (RAF Lakenheath, UK)
 52nd Fighter Wing (F-16CJ/DJ, OA/A-10A) (Spangdahlem
AB, Germany)
 86th Airlift Wing (C-130E, C-9A, C-20A, C-21A, C-37A)
(Ramstein AB, Germany)
 100th Air Refueling Wing (KC-135R) (RAF Mildenhall,
 16th Air Force (Aviano AB, Italy)
 31st Fighter Wing (F-16CG/DG) (Aviano AB, Italy)
 16th Air Expeditionary Wing (Aviano AB, Italy)
 39th Air Base Wing (Tactical Spt) (Incirlik AB, Turkey)
o US Naval Forces in Europe (NAVEUR) (London, UK)
 US 6th Fleet (Naples, Italy)
 Task Force 60 (6th Fleet Battle Force) ((USS Mount
Whitney (LCC-20)) (Gaeta, Italy)
 Task Force 61 (6th Fleet Amphibious Force)
 Task Force 62 (6th Fleet Landing Force)
 Task Force 63 (6th Fleet Service Force) / Naval Surface
Group Mediterranean (Gaeta, Italy)
 Task Force 64 (6th Fleet Submarine Force South) /
Submarine Group 8 (SUBGRU 8) (Naples, Italy)
 Task Force 67 (6th Fleet Maritime Surveillance and
Reconnaissance Forces (MARSURVRECFORSIXFLT)) /
Fleet Air Mediterranean (FAIRMED) (Naples, Italy)
 Task Force 68 (6th Fleet Special Operations Force)
 Task Force 69 (6th Fleet Submarine Force Mediterranean) /
Submarine Group 8 (SUBGRU 8) (Naples, Italy)
 Submarine Squadron 22 (SUBRON 22) (La
Maddalena, Italy)
o US Fleet Marine Forces Europe (MARFOREUR) (Boeblingen, Germany)
o Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR) (Stuttgart, Germany)
 (3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC))
 (10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Carson, CO))
 (352nd Special Operations Group (MC-130H/P, C-130E, MH-
53M) (RAF Mildenhall, UK))
 (353rd Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (Ft Wadsworth, NY))
 US Central Command (CENTCOM) (MacDill AFB, Florida)
o Multi-National Corps - Iraq (MNC-I) / Task Force Victory / V Corps (Cp
Victory (Baghdad), Iraq)
 Multinational Division - Baghdad / 4th Infantry Division
(Mechanized) (Cp Liberty (Baghdad), Iraq)
 1st Brigade (Cp Taji, Iraq)
 2nd Brigade (Cp Kalsu, Iraq)
 3rd Brigade (Cp Balad?, Iraq)
 4th Brigade (Baghdad, Iraq)
 1st Brigade, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) (Cp
Liberty?, Iraq)
 2nd Brigade / 502nd Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne
Division (Air Assault) (Baghdad, Iraq)
 Multi-National Division - North / Task Force Band of Brothers /
101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) (Camp Speicher (Tikrit),
 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment (Cp Sykes (Mosul), Iraq)
 172nd Infantry Brigade (Stryker Brigade Combat Team)
(Mosul, Iraq)
 1st Brigade / 327th Infantry Regiment (Camp Warrior
(Kirkuk), Iraq)
 3rd Brigade / 187th Infantry Regiment (Ft Campbell, KY
(Deploys to Iraq - Mid 2005))
 101st Aviation Brigade (Ft Campbell, KY (Deployed to
 Multi-National Division - Central - South (Baghdad, Iraq)
 48th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (Enhanced Readiness)
(GA ARNG), 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (Talil
Airbase?, Iraq)
 Multi-National Force - West / II Marine Expeditionary Force (II
MEF) (Cp Fallujah, Iraq)
 2nd Marine Division (Cp Blue Diamond (Ar Ramadi), Iraq)
 1st Brigade, 1st Armored Division (Tal Afar, Iraq)
 155th Armored Brigade (Enhanced Readiness) (MS
ARNG) (Cp Lima (Karbala), Iraq)
 2nd Brigade (Mechanized), 28th Infantry Division
(Mechanized) (PA ARNG) (?, Iraq)
 2nd Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp Al Qaim, Iraq)
 8th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp Fallujah, Iraq)
 2nd Marine Air Wing (2nd MAW) (Al Asad AB
(Qadisiyah), Iraq)
 Marine Aircraft Group 26 (MAG-26) (Helicopter)
(Al Asad AB (Qadisiyah), Iraq)
 2nd Marine Logistics Brigade (Forward) / 2nd Force
Service Support Group (Cp Taqqadum, Iraq)
 2nd Brigade, 1st Armored Division (Cp Buehring, Kuwait)
 18th Aviation Brigade (Airborne) (?, Iraq)
 20th Engineer Brigade (Combat) (Airborne) (Cp Victory?
(Baghdad), Iraq)
 16th Military Police Brigade (Airborne) (Abu Ghraib, Iraq)
 89th Military Police Brigade (Cp Victory? (Baghdad), Iraq)
 504th Military Intelligence Brigade (Abu Ghraib, Iraq)
 525th Military Intelligence Brigade (Airborne) (Cp Victory?
(Baghdad), Iraq)
 Logistics Staging Area Anaconda / 1st Corps Support Command
(Cp Anaconda (Balad), Iraq)
 593rd Corps Support Group (?, Iraq)
 167th Corps Support Group (USAR) (?, Iraq)
 172nd Support Group (USAR) (?, Iraq)
 300th Area Support Group (USAR) (?, Iraq)
 1st Medical Brigade (?, Iraq)
 35th Signal Brigade (Airborne) (?, Iraq)
o Combined Forces Command – Afghanistan (CFC-A) (Kabul, Afghanistan)
 Combined Joint Task Force 76 (CJTF 76) / 10th Mountain
Division (Light Infantry) (Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan)
 Task Force Spartan / 3rd Brigade (Jalalabad Airfield?,
 Combined Task Force Devil / 1st Brigade / 504th Parachute
Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division
(Central/Eastern Afghanistan)
 Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force
 Task Force Griffin / 12th Aviation Brigade (Bagram?,
 Combined Task Force Sword (Engineer Brigade)
(Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan)
 Office of Security Cooperation – Afghanistan (OSC-A) (Kabul,
 Coalition Joint Task Force Phoenix / 76th Infantry Brigade
(Light) (Enhanced Readiness)
 376th Air Expeditionary Wing (F-15, F-16) (Manas AB,
 455th Air Expeditionary Group (A-10) (Bagram Airfield,
o US Army Central Command (ARCENT) / 3rd US Army (Ft McPherson,
 United States Army Central-Kuwait (ARCENT-Kuwait) (Cp
Doha, Kuwait)
 Army Prepositioned Stock 5 (APS-5) (3 Armored
Brigades) (Kuwait)
 United States Army Central-Saudi Arabia (ARCENT-SA) (Riyadh,
 United States Army Central-Qatar (ARCENT-QA) (Cp Snoopy
(Doha), Qatar)
 Army Prepositioned Stock (APS-3) (1 Armored, 1 Mechanized
Infantry Brigade) (Diego Garcia)
 416th Engineer Command (USAR) (Darien, IL)
 194th Engineer Brigade (Theater Army) (TN ARNG)
(Nashville, TN)
 416th Engineer Group (Combat) (OH ARNG) (Walbridge,
 111th Engineer Group (WV ARNG) (St Albans, WV)
 377th Theater Support Command (USAR) (New Orleans, LA)
 43rd Area Support Group (Ft Carson, CO)
 213th Area Support Group (PA ARNG) (Allentown, PA)
 226th Area Support Group (AL ARNG) (Mobile, AL)
 321st Materiel Management Center (USAR) (Baton Rouge,
 335th Theater Signal Command (USAR) (Atlanta, GA (Deployed
to to Kuwait?))
 160th Signal Brigade (Strategic) (Cp Arifjan, Kuwait)
 359th Signal Brigade (USAR) (Ft Gordon, GA)
 3rd Medical Command (USAR) (Decatur, GA)
 139th Medical Group (USAR) (Independence, MO)
o US Air Forces Central Command (USCENTAF) / 9th Air Force (Shaw
 40th Air Expeditionary Wing (B-52H) (Diego Garcia)
 405th Air Expeditionary Wing (B-1B) (Thumrait, Oman)
 379th Air Expeditionary Wing (F-15E, F-16, C-130H, KC-10, KC-
135) (Al Udeid, Qatar)
 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing (A-10, HC-130P?, HH-60G?)
(Kirkuk AB, Iraq)
 320th Air Expeditionary Wing (Seeb IAP, Oman)
 376th Air Expeditionary Wing (Manas International Airport
(Bishkek), Kyrgyzstan)
 380th Air Expeditionary Wing ( KC-10, U-2, RQ-4) (Al Dhafra,
o US Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) / US 5th Fleet
(Manama, Bahrain)
 Task Force 50 (5th Fleet Battle Force) (Manama, Bahrain)
 Middle East Force Surface Action Group / Destroyer
Squadron 50 (DESRON 50) (Manama, Bahrain)
 Task Force 51 (5th Fleet Amphibious Force) (Manama, Bahrain)
 Task Force 52 (5th Fleet Landing Force) (Manama, Bahrain)
 Task Force 53 (5th Fleet Logistic Support Force) / Logistics Forces
Naval Forces Central Command (LOGNAVFORCENT)
(Muharraq Airfield, Bahrain)
 Task Force 54 (5th Fleet Submarine Force) / Submarine Group 7
(SUBGRU 7) (NB Yokosuka, Japan)
 Task Force 55 (5th Fleet Mine Warfare Forces) (Manama,
 Task Force 56 (5th Fleet Temporary Operations Force) (Manama,
 Task Force 57 (5th Fleet Patrol and Reconnaissance Force) / Patrol
and Reconnaissance Wing 1 (PATRECONWING 1) (NSF
Kamiseya, Japan)
o US Marine Forces Central Command (MARCENT) / US Fleet Marine
Forces Pacific (MARFORPAC) (Cp HM Smith, HI)
o US Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT) (MacDill AFB,
 (5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Campbell, KY))
 (352nd Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (Riverdale, MD))
o Joint Task Force - Southwest Asia (JTF-SWA) (Prince Sultan AB (Al
Kharj), Saudi Arabia)
 US Pacific Command (PACOM) (Cp HM Smith, HI)
o US Army Pacific (USARPAC) (Ft Shafter, HI)
 I Corps (Ft Lewis, WA)
 25th Infantry Division (Light) (Schofield Bks , HI (Deploys
to Iraq mid-2006))
 1st Brigade (Stryker Brigade Combat Team) (Ft
Lewis, WA)
 2nd Brigade (Schofield Bks, HI)
 3rd Brigade (Schofield Bks, HI (Deploys to Iraq
 4th Brigade (Airborne) (Ft Richardson, AK)
 Division Aviation Brigade (Wheeler AAF, HI)
 Division Artillery (Schofield Bks, HI)
 Division Support Command (Schofield Bks, HI)
 40th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (CA ARNG) (Los
Alamitos, CA)
 1st Brigade (CA ARNG) (Long Beach, CA)
 2nd Brigade (CA ARNG) (San Diego, CA)
 3rd Brigade (CA ARNG) (Modesto, CA)
 40th Aviation Brigade (CA ARNG) (Fresno, CA)
 Division Artillery (CA ARNG) (Los Angeles, CA)
 Engineer Brigade (CA ARNG) (Vallejo, CA)
 Division Support Command (CA ARNG) (Long
Beach, CA)
 81st Armored Brigade (Enhanced Readiness) (WA ARNG)
(Seattle, WA)
 116th Cavalry Brigade (Enhanced Readiness) (ID ARNG)
(Twin Falls, ID)
 29th Infantry Brigade (Light) (HI ARNG) (Ft Shafter, HI)
 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment (Enhanced Readiness)
(TN ARNG) (Knoxville, TN)
 2nd Cavalry Regiment (Stryker) (Ft Lewis, WA)
 66th Aviation Brigade (Combat) (Corps) (WA ARNG)
(Tacoma, WA)
 211th Aviation Group (Attack) (UT ARNG) (West
Jordan, UT)
 185th Aviation Group (Lift) (MS ARNG) (Jackson,
 I Corps Artillery (UT ARNG) (Salt Lake City, UT)
 45th Field Artillery Brigade (OK ARNG) (Enid,
 115th Field Artillery Brigade (WY ARNG)
(Cheyenne, WY)
 153rd Field Artillery Brigade (AZ ARNG)
(Phoenix, AZ)
 111th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (NM ARNG)
(Alburquerque, NM)
 42nd Military Police Brigade (Ft Lewis, WA)
 Military Police Brigade-Hawaii (Ft Shafter, HI)
 177th Military Police Brigade (MI ARNG) (Detriot, MI)
 555th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade (Provisional) (Ft
Lewis, WA)
 464th Chemical Brigade (USAR) (Johnstown, PA)
 201st Military Intelligence Brigade (Ft Lewis, WA)
 311th Corps Support Command (USAR) (Los Angeles,
 304th Support Center (Rear) (Ft Lewis, WA)
 593rd Corps Support Group (Ft Lewis, WA
(Deployed to Iraq))
 45th Corps Support Group (Forward) (Schofield
Bks, HI)
 516th Signal Brigade (Ft Shafter, HI)
 142nd Signal Brigade (AL ARNG) (Decatur, AL)
 62nd Medical Brigade (Ft Lewis, WA)
 1st Air Support Operations Group (USAF) (Ft Lewis, WA)
 US Army Alaska (USARAK) (Ft Richardson, AK)
 172nd Infantry Brigade (Stryker Brigade Combat Team)
(Ft Wainwright, AK (Deployed to Iraq))
 (4th Brigade (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division (Light) (Ft
Richardson, AK))
 207th Infantry Group (Scout) (AK ARNG) (Anchorage,
 Arctic Support Brigade (Ft Richardson, AK)
 US Army Japan (USARJ) / 9th Theater Support Command (Cp
Zama, Japan)
 10th Area Support Group (Torii Station, Okinawa)
 300th Area Support Group (USAR) (Ft Lee, VA (Deployed
to Iraq))
 9th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Ft Shafter, HI)
 196th Infantry Brigade (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft
Shafter, HI)
 4960th Multifunctional Training Brigade (? (Oahu), HI)
o US Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) (Hickam AFB, HI)
 5th Air Force (Yokota AB, Japan)
 18th Wing (Fighter, Air Control, & Air Refeuling) (F-
15C/D, E-3B/C, KC-135R, HH-60G) (Kadena AB,
Okinawa (Japan))
 35th Fighter Wing (F-16CJ/DJ) (Misawa AB, Japan)
 374th Airlift Wing (C-130E/H, C-9A, C-21A, UH-1N)
(Yokota AB, Japan)
 11th Air Force (Elmendorf AFB, AK)
 3rd Wing (Fighter, Air Control & Airlift) (F-15C/D/E, E-
3B, C-130H, C-12F/J) (Elmendorf AFB, AK)
 354th Fighter Wing (F-16CG/DG, OA/A-10A) (Eielson
 176th Wing (Airlift) (AK ANG) (C-130H, HC-130N, HH-
60G) (Kulis ANGB, AK)
 168th Air Refueling Wing (AK ANG) (KC-135R) (Eilson
 13th Air Force (Andersen AFB, Guam)
 154th Wing (Fighter, Air Refeuling & Airlift) (HI ANG)
(F-15A/B, C-130H, KC-135R) (Hickam AFB, HI)
 15th Airlift Wing (C-135C/E/K, KC-135E) (Hickam AFB,
 36th Air Base Wing (Anderson AFB, Guam)
o US Navy Pacific Fleet (PACFLT) (NB Pearl Harbor, HI)
 US 3rd Fleet (USS Coronado (AGF 11), NB San Diego, CA)
 Task Force 30 (3rd Fleet Battle Force)
 Nimitz Strike Group / Cruiser Strike Group 11
(CARSTRKGRU 11) (USS Nimitz (CVN 68)) (NB
San Diego, CA (Deployed))
 USS Nimitz (CVN 68) (NB Norfolk, VA)
 Carrier Air Wing 11 (CVW 11) (NAS
Leemore, CA)
 USS Princeton (CG 59) (NB San Deigo,
 USS Chosin (CG 65) (NB Pearl Harbor, HI)
 Destroyer Squadron 7 (DESRON 7) (NB
San Diego, CA)
 Destroyer Squadron 23 (DESRON 23) (NB
San Diego, CA)
 USS Pasadena (SSN 752) (NB Pearl Harbor,
 USS Sacramento (AOE 1) (NB Seattle
(Bremerton), WA)
 Carl Vinson Strike Group / Carrier Strike Group 3
(USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70)) (NB San Diego, CA
 USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) (NB Seattle
(Bremerton), WA)
 Carrier Air Wing 9 (CVW 9) (NAS
Leemore, CA)
 USS Antietam (CG 54) (NB San Deigo, CA)
 Abraham Lincoln Strike Group / Cruiser Strike
Group 9 (CARSTRKGRU 9) (USS Abraham
Lincoln (CVN 72)) (NB San Diego, CA (Post-
 USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) (NS
Everett, WA)
 Carrier Air Wing 2 (CVW 2) (NAS
Leemore, CA)
 USS Shiloh (CG 67) (NB San Diego, CA)
 Destroyer Squadron 31 (DESRON 31) (NB
Pearl Harbor, HI)
 USS Honolulu (SSN 718) (NB Pearl Harbor,
 USS Camden (AOE 2) (NB Seattle
(Bremerton), WA)
 Reagan Strike Group / Carrier Strike Group 7
(CARSTRKGRU 7) (USS Ronald Reagan (CVN
76)) (NB San Diego, CA (Basic Training))
 USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) (NB San
Diego, CA)
 USS John C Stennis (CVN 74) (NB
Bremerton, WA (Maintenance))
 Carrier Air Wing 14 (CVW 14) (NAS
Leemore, CA)
 USS Lake Champlain (CG 57) (NS San
Diego, CA)
 USS Port Royal (CG 73) (NB Seattle
(Bremerton), WA) `
 Destroyer Squadron 21 (DESRON 21) (NS
San Diego, CA)
 USS Salt Lake City (SSN 716) (NS San
Diego, CA)
 Task Force 31 (3rd Fleet Command and Coordination
 Task Force 32 (3rd Fleet Ready Force)
 Task Force 33 (3rd Fleet Combat Logistics Support Force)
/ Naval Surface Group Pacific Northwest (NB Everett,
 Task Force 34 (3rd Fleet Submarine Force) / Submarine
Force Pacific Fleet (SUBPAC) (NSB Pearl Harbor, HI)
 Task Force 35 (3rd Fleet Surface Combatant Force) / Naval
Surface Force Pacific Fleet (NAVSURFPAC) (NAB
Coronado (San Diego), CA)
 Task Force 36 (3rd Fleet Amphibious Force) / Amphibious
Group 3 (PHIBGRU 3) ((USS Coronado (AGF 11)) (NB
San Diego, CA)
 Boxer Expeditionary Strike Group / (USS Boxer
(LHD 4)) (NB San Diego, CA (Deployed))
 USS Boxer (LHD 4) (NB San Diego, CA)
 Belleau Wood Expeditionary Strike Group /
Expeditionary Strike Group 3 / Amphibious
Squadron 5 (PHIBRON 5) ((USS Belleau Wood
(LHA 3), NB San Diego, CA (Post-Deployment))
 USS Belleau Wood (LHA 3) (NB San
Diego, CA)
 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special
Operations Capable) (11th MEU (SOC))
(Cp Pendleton, CA)
 USS Mobile Bay (CG 53) (NB San Diego,
 Bonhomme Richard Expeditionary Strike Group /
Expeditionary Strike Group 5 / Amphibious
Squadron 7 (PHIBRON 7) (USS Bonhomme
Richard (LHD 6)) (NB San Diego, CA (Post-
 USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) (NB San
Diego, CA)
 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special
Operations Capable) (15th MEU (SOC))
(Cp Pendleton, CA)
 USS Bunker Hill (CG 52) (NB San Diego,
 Tarawa Expeditionary Strike Group / Expeditionary
Strike Group 1 / Amphibious Squadron 1
(PHIBRON 1) ((USS Tarawa (LHA 1)) NB San
Diego, CA (Advanced Training))
 USS Tarawa (LHA 1) (NB San Diego, CA)
 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special
Operations Capable) (13th MEU (SOC))
(Cp Pendleton, CA)
 Peleliu Expeditionary Strike Group / Amphibious
Squadron 3 (PHIBRON 3) (USS Peleliu (LHA 5))
(NB San Diego, CA (Post-Deployment))
 USS Peleliu (LHA 5) (NB San Diego, CA)
 Naval Beach Group 1 (NBG 1) (NB Coranado, CA)
 Tactical Air Control Group 1 (TACGRU 1) (NB
San Diego, CA?)
 Tactical Air Control Squadron 11
 Tactical Air Control Squadron 12
 Task Force 37 (3rd Fleet Carrier Strike Force)
 Task Force 39 (3rd Fleet Landing Force) / I Marine
Expeditionary Force (I MEF) (Cp Pendleton, California)
 Carrier Strike Group 1 (CARSTRKGRU 1) / Carrier Strike
Force Training Pacific (NAB Coronado (San Diego), CA)
 US 7th Fleet (USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19)) (NB Yokosuka, Japan)
 Task Force 70 (7th Fleet Battle Force) / Kitty Hawk Strike
Group / Carrier Strike Group 5 (CARSTRKGRU 5) (USS
Kitty Hawk (CV 63) (NB Yokosuka, Japan)
 USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) (NB Yokosuka, Japan)
 Carrier Air Wing 5 (CVW 5) (NAF Atsugi, Japan)
 USS Chancellorsville (CG 62) (NB Yokosuka,
 USS Cowpens (CG 63) (NB Yokosuka, Japan)
 Destroyer Squadron 15 (DESRON 15) (NB
Yokosuka, Japan)
 USS Bremerton (SSN 698) (NB Pearl Harbor, HI)
 Task Force 71 (7th Fleet Command and Coordination
 Task Force 72 (7th Fleet Patrol and Reconnaissance Force)
/ Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 1 (PATRECONWING
1) (NSF Kamiseya, Japan)
 Task Force 73 (7th Fleet Logistics Support Force) /
Logistics Group Western Pacific (LOGGRU WESTPAC)
 Task Force 74 (7th Fleet Submarine Force) / Submarine
Group 7 (SUBGRU 7) (NB Yokosuka, Japan)
 Task Force 75 (7th Fleet Surface Combatant Force) / Kitty
Hawk Strike Group / Carrier Group 5 (CARGRU 5) (NB
Yokosuka, Japan)
 Task Force 76 (7th Fleet Amphibious Ready Group) /
Amphibious Group 1 (PHIBGRU 1) (USS Blue Ridge
(LCC 19)) (NB Sasebo, Japan)
 Essex Expeditionary Strike Group / Expeditionary
Strike Group - Forward Deployed Naval Force /
Amphibious Squadron 11 (PHIBRON 11) (USS
Essex (LHD 2), NB Sasebo, Japan)
 USS Essex (LHD 2) (NB Sasebo, Japan)
 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special
Operations Capable) (31st MEU (SOC))
(MCB Butler, Okinawa (Japan))
 Task Force 77 (7th Fleet Carrier Strike Force) / Kitty
Hawk Strike Group / Carrier Group 5 (CARGRU 5) (NB
Yokosuka, Japan)
 Task Force 79 (7th Fleet Landing Force) / III Marine
Expeditionary Force (III MEF) (Cp Courtney, Okinawa
 Task Force 10 (Temporary Operations Force)
 Task Force 11 (Training Force)
 Task Force 12 (ASW Force) / Patrol and Reconnaissance Force
Pacific Fleet (PATRECONFORPAC) (NAS Barbers Pt, HI)
 Task Force 14 ( Submarine Force Pacific Fleet (SUBPAC)) (NSB
Pearl Harbor, HI)
 Submarine Group 7 (SUBGRU 7) (NB Yokosuka, Japan)
 Submarine Squadron 1 (SUBRON 1) (NSB Pearl
Harbor, HI)
 Submarine Squadron 3 (SUBRON 3) (NSB Pearl
Harbor, HI)
 Submarine Squadron 7 (SUBRON 7) (NSB Pearl
Harbor, HI)
 Submarine Squadron 11 (SUBRON 11) (NSB San
Diego, CA)
 Submarine Development Squadron 5
(SUBDEVRON 5) (NSB San Diego, CA)
 Task Force 15 (Naval Surface Force Pacific Fleet
(NAVSURFPAC)) (NAB Coronado (San Diego), CA)
 Naval Surface Group Pacific Northwest (NB
Everett, WA)
 Destroyer Squadron 9 (DESRON 9) (NS
Everett, WA)
 Naval Surface Group Middle Pacific
 USS Lake Erie (CG 70) (NB Pearl Harbor,
 Destroyer Squadron 1 (DESRON 1) (NRF) (NB
San Diego, CA)
 USS Rainer (AOE 7) (NB Seattle (Bremerton),
 Task Force 16 (Maritime Defense Zone Pacific Fleet)
(USCGS San Francisco, CA)
 Task Force 17 (Naval Air Force Pacific Fleet
(NAVAIRPAC)) (NAS North Island, CA)
 Strike Fighter Wing Pacific Fleet
 Electronic Attack Wing Pacific Fleet
(VAQWINGPAC) (NAS Whidbey Island, CA)
 Sea Control Wing Pacific Fleet
 Helicopter Anti-Submarine Wing Pacific Fleet
(HSWINGPAC) (NAS North Island, CA)
 Helicopter Anti-Submarine Light Wing Pacific
Fleet (HSLWINGPAC) (NAS North Island, CA)
 Airborne EarlyWarning Wing Pacific Fleet
(AEWINGPAC) (NAS Point Mugu, CA)
 Helicopter Tactical Wing Pacific Fleet
 Task Force 18 (Naval Construction Battalions Pacific
Fleet) (NB Pearl Harbor, HI)
 30th Naval Construction Regiment (Honolulu, HI)
 1st Naval Construction Regiment (USNR) (Port
Hueneme, CA)
 9th Naval Construction Regiment (USNR) (Fort
Worth, TX)
 31st Special Readiness Group (Training) (Port
Hueneme, CA)
 Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Pacific Fleet
 (Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 1
(PATRECONWING 1) (NSF Kamiseya, Japan))
 Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 10
(PATRECONWING 10) (NAS Whidbey Island,
 Task Force 91 (Naval Forces Alaska (NAVAK)) / 17th
Coast Guard District (Juneau, AK)
 US Fleet Marine Forces Pacific (MARFORPAC) (Cp HM Smith,
 I Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF) (Cp Pendleton, CA)
 1st Marine Division (Cp Pendleton, CA)
 1st Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp
Pendleton, CA))
 5th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp
Pendleton, CA)
 7th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Marine
Corps Air Ground Combat Center
(Twentynine Palms), CA)
 11th Marine Regiment (Artillery) (Cp
Pendleton, CA)
 3rd Marine Air Wing (3rd MAW) (MCAS El Toro,
 Marine Aircraft Group 11 (MAG-11) (Strike
& Attack) (MCAS Miramar, CA)
 Marine Aircraft Group 13 (MAG-13)
(Attack) (MCAS Yuma, AZ)
 Marine Aircraft Group 16 (MAG-16)
(Helicopter) (MCAS Miramar, CA)
 Marine Aircraft Group 39 (MAG-39)
(Helicopter) (MCAS Cp Pendleton, CA)
 Marine Air Control Group 38 (MACG 38)
(MCAS Miramar, CA)
 Marine Wing Support Group 37 (MWSG-
37) (MCAS Miramar, CA)
 1st Force Service Support Group (1st FSSG)
(Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center
(Twenty-nine Palms), CA)
 III Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF) (Cp Courtney,
Okinawa (Japan))
 3rd Marine Division (Cp Courtney, Okinawa
 3rd Marine Regiment (Infantry) (MCBH
Kaneohe Bay, HI)
 4th Marine Regiment (Infantry) (Cp
Schwab, Okinawa (Japan))
 12th Marine Regiment (Artillery) (MCB
Hawaii, HI)
 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MCBH Kaneohe
Bay, HI)
 1st Marine Air Wing (1 MAW) (Cp Foster,
Okinawa (Japan))
 Marine Aircraft Group 12 (MAG-12) (Strike
& Electronic Warfare) (MCAS Iwakuni,
 Marine Aircraft Group 36 (MAG-36)
(Helicopter) (MCAS Futenma, Okinawa
 Marine Air Control Group 18 (MACG-18)
(MCAS Futenma, Okinawa (Japan))
 Marine Wing Support Group 17 (MWSG-
 3rd Force Service Support Group (3rd FSSG) (Cp
Kisser, Okinawa (Japan))
 US Forces Korea (USFK) (Seoul, South Korea)
 8th US Army (EUSA) (Seoul, South Korea)
 2nd Infantry Division (Medium) (Cp Red Cloud
(Uijonbu), South Korea)
 1st Brigade (Cp Casey (Tongduchon), South
 2nd Brigade (Ft Carson, CO)
 3rd Brigade (Stryker Brigade Combat Team)
(Ft Lewis, WA (Deploys to Iraq mid-2006))
 2nd Aviation Brigade (Multi-Function
Aviation Brigade) (Pyongtaek, South Korea)
 Division Artillery (Cp Stanley (Uijonbu),
South Korea)
 Engineer Brigade (Cp Howze (Kumchon),
South Korea)
 Division Support Command (Cp Casey
(Tongduchon), South Korea)
 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Osan AB,
South Korea)
 8th Military Police Brigade (Seoul, South Korea)
 412th Engineer Command (USAR) (Vicksburg,
 16th Engineer Brigade (OH ARNG)
(Columbus, OH)
 411th Engineer Brigade (USAR) (New
Windsor, NY)
 19th Theater Support Command (Camp Henry
(Taegu), South Korea)
 501st Corps Support Group (Cp Red Cloud
(Uijonbu), South Korea)
 20th Area Support Group (Cp Henry
(Taegu), South Korea)
 23rd Area Support Group (Cp Humphreys
(Pyongtaek), South Korea)
 34th Area Support Group (Seoul, South
 55th Theater Support Command - Materiel
Management Center (USAR) (Cp Henry
(Taegu), South Korea)
 311th Theater Signal Command (USAR) (Ft
Meade, MD)
 1st Signal Brigade (Seoul, South Korea)
 US Air Forces Korea / 7th Air Force (Osan AB, South
 8th Fighter Wing (F-16C/D) (Kunsan AB, South
 51st Fighter Wing (F-16CG/DG, OA/A-10A, C-
12J) (Osan AB, South Korea)
 US Naval Forces Korea (USNFK) (Seoul?, South Korea)
 US Marine Forces Korea (MARFORK) (Seoul, South
 Special Operations Command (SOCKOR) (Cp Kim
(Yongsan), South Korea)
 US Forces Japan (USFJ) (Yokota AB, Japan)
 US Army Japan (USARJ) / 9th Theater Support Command
(Cp Zama, Japan)
 (5th Air Force (Yokota AB, Japan))
 Naval Forces Japan (NAVFORJAPAN) (NB Yokosuka,
 Fleet Air Western Pacific (FAIRWESTPAC) (NAF
Atsugi, Japan)
 (US 7th Fleet (USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19)) (NB Yokosuka,
 (III Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF) (Cp Courtney,
Okinawa (Japan)))
 Alaskan Command (ALCOM) (Elmendorf AFB, AK)
 US Army Alaska (USARAK) (Ft Richardson, AK)
 (11th Air Force (Elmendorf AFB, AK))
 Naval Forces Alaska (NAVAK) / 17th Coast Guard District
(Juneau, AK)
 Special Operations Command Pacific (SOCPAC) (Cp HM Smith,
 (1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Lewis, WA))
 (353rd Special Operations Group (MC-130H/P, C-130E,
MH-53M) (Kadena AB, Okinawa (Japan)))
 (351st Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (Mountain View,
 US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) (Miami, FL)
o US Army South (USARSOUTH) (Ft Sam Houston, TX)
 53rd Infantry Brigade (Light) (FL ARNG) (Tampa, FL)
 92nd Infantry Brigade (Air Assault) (PR ARNG) (Juana Diaz, PR)
 93rd Signal Brigade (Ft Gordon, GA)
 65th Army Reserve Command (USAR) (Ft Buchanan, PR)
 50th Area Support Group (FL ARNG) (Homestead, FL)
 166th Area Support Group (USAR) (Ft Buchanan, PR)
o US Southern Air Forces / 12th Air Force (Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ)
 156th Airlift Wing (PR ANG) (C-130E) (Luis Muñoz Marin IAP,
o US Navy South (NAVSOUTH) (NS Roosevelt Roads, PR)
 Naval Surface Group 2 (NAVSURFGRU 2) (NS Mayport, FL)
 USS Thomas S. Gates (CG 51) (NS Pascagoula, MS)
 Destroyer Squadron 6 (DESRON 6) (NS Pascagoula, MS)
 Destroyer Squadron 14 (DESRON 14) (NS Mayport, FL)
o US Marine Forces South (MARFORSO) / II Marine Expeditionary Force
(Cp Lejeune, NC)
o Special Operations Command South (SOCSOUTH) (NS Roosevelt Roads,
 (7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC))
 (20th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (AL ARNG) (Birmingham,
 US Special Operations Command (MacDill AFB, FL)
o Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) (Pope AFB, NC)
 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (Ft Bragg, NC)
 (Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG) (Little
Creek NAB, VA))
o US Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) (Ft Bragg, NC)
 Army Special Forces Command (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC)
 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Lewis, WA)
 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC)
 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Campbell, KY)
 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC)
 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Ft Carson, CO)
 19th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (UT ARNG)
(Draper, UT)
 20th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (AL ARNG)
(Birmingham, AL)
 75th Ranger Regiment (Ft Benning, GA)
 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) (Ft
Campbell, KY)
 Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command
(Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC)
 4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) (Ft Bragg,
 2nd Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) (USAR)
(Panama, OH)
 7th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) (USAR)
(Moffet Federal AF, CA)
 350th Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (Pensacola, FL)
 358th Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (King of
Prussia, PA)
 351st Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (Mountain View,
 322nd Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (Ft Shafter,
 364th Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (Portland, OR)
 352nd Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (Riverdale, MD)
 354th Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (Riverdale,
 360th Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (Ft Jackson,
 353rd Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (New York, NY)
 304th Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (Philadelphia,
 308th Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (Homewood,
 321st Civil Affairs Brigade (USAR) (San Antonio,
 Army Special Operations Support Command (Airborne) (Ft Bragg,
o Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) (Hurlburt Fd, FL)
 16th Special Operations Wing (AC-130H/U, MC-130E/H/P, C-
130E, C-212, MH-53M, UH-1N) (Hurlburt Fd, FL)
 193rd Special Operations Wing (PA ANG) (EC-130E/J)
(Harrisburg IAP, PA)
 919th Special Operations Wing (AFRes) (MC-130E/P, C-130E/H)
(Eglin Aux. Fd 3, FL)
 352nd Special Operations Group (MC-130H/P, C-130E, MH-53M)
(RAF Mildenhall, UK)
 353rd Special Operations Group (MC-130H/P, C-130E, MH-53M)
(Kadena AB, Okinawa (Japan))
 720th Special Tactics Group (Hurlburt Fd, FL)
 347th Rescue Wing (HH-60G, HC-130N/P) (Moody AFB, GA)
o Naval Special Warfare Command (NAVSWC) (Coronado NAB, CA)
 Naval Special Warfare Group 1 (NAVSPECWARGRU 1)
(Coronado NAB, CA)
 Naval Special Warfare Group 2 (NAVSPECWARGRU 2) (Little
Creek NAB, VA)
 Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG) (Little
Creek NAB,VA)
 Special Boat Squadron 1 (SBR-1) (Coronado NAB, CA)
 Special Boat Squadron 2 (SBR-2) (Little Creek NAB, VA)
 US Transportation Command (Scott AFB, IL)
o Air Mobility Command (AMC) (Scott AFB, IL)
 18th Air Force (Scott AFB, IL)
 15th Expeditionary Mobility Task Force (Travis AFB, CA)
 60th Air MobilityWing (C-5A/B/C, KC-10A)
(Travis AFB, CA)
 62nd Airlift Wing (C-17A) (McChord AFB, WA)
 317th Airlift Group (C-130H) (Dyess AFB, TX)
 375th Airlift Wing (Operational Support Airlift) (C-
21A, C-9A) (Scott AFB, IL)
 22nd Air Refueling Wing (KC-135R/T)
(McConnell AFB, KS)
 92nd Air Refueling Wing (KC-135R/T) (Fairchild
 319th Air Refueling Wing (KC-135R/T) (Grand
Forks AFB, ND)
 615th Air Mobility Operations Group (Travis AFB,
 715th Air Mobility Operations Group (Hickam
 21st Expeditionary Mobility Task Force (McGuire AFB,
 436th Airlift Wing (C-5A/B) (Dover AFB, DE)
 437th Airlift Wing (C-17A) (Charleston AFB, SC)
 305th Air MobilityWing (C-141B, KC-10A)
(McGuire AFB, NJ)
 43rd Airlift Wing (C-130E) (Pope AFB, NC)
 314th Airlift Wing (C-130E/H) (Little Rock AFB,
 89th Airlift Wing (VIP) (VC-25A, VC-37A, C-9C,
C-12C, C-20B/C/H, C-32A, VH-1N) (Andrews
 6th Air Refueling Wing (KC-135R, EC-135N, CT-
43A) (MacDill AFB, FL)
 19th Air Refueling Group (KC-135R, EC-137D)
(Robins AFB, GA)
 621st Air Mobility Operations Group (McGuire
 721st Air Mobility Operations Group (Ramstein
AB, Germany)
 4th Air Force (AFRes) (McClellan AFB, CA)
 433rd Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-5A) (Kelly AFB,
 349th Air MobilityWing (AFRes) (C-5A/B/C, KC-
10A (Associate unit to 60th Air MobilityWing))
(Travis AFB, CA)
 446th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-17A (Associate unit
to 62nd Airlift Wing)) (McChord AFB, WA)
 445th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-141C) (Wright
Patterson AFB, OH)
 452nd Air MobilityWing (AFRes) (C-141B, KC-
135E) (March ARB, CA)
 932nd Airlift Wing (Operational Support Airlift)
(AFRes) (C-21A, C-9A (Associate unit to 375th
Airlift Wing)) (Scott AFB, IL)
 434th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135R)
(Grissom ARB, IN)
 916th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-125R)
(Seymour-Johnson AFB, NC)
 931st Air Refeuling Group (AFRes) (KC-135R)
(McConnell AFB, KS)
 927th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135E)
(Selfridge ANGB, MI)
 939th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135R
(Portland IAP, OR)
 940th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135E)
(Beale AFB, CA)
 22nd Air Force (AFRes) (Dobbins AFB, GA)
 439th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-5A) (Westover
 512th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-5A/B (Associate
unit to 436th Airlift Wing)) (Dover AFB, DE)
 315th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-17A) (Associate
unit of 437th Airlift Wing)) (Charleston AFB, SC)
 459th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-141B) (Andrews
 514th Air MobilityWing (AFRes) (C-141B, KC-
10A (Associate unit to 305th Air MobilityWing))
(McGuire AFB, NJ)
 94th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Dobbins
 302nd Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Peterson
 440th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Gen.
Mitchell IAP, Milwaukee, WI)
 908th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Maxwell
 910th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H)
(Youngstown MAP, OH)
 911th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Greater
Pittsburgh IAP, PA)
 913th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130E) (Willow
Grove ARS, PA)
 914th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Niagara
Falls IAP, NY)
 934th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130E) (Minneapolis
St Paul IAP, MN)
 Air National Guard
 105th Airlift Wing (NY ANG) (C-5A) (Stewart
 172nd Airlift Wing (MI ANG) (C-17) (Thompson
Fd, Jackson, MI)
 164th Airlift Wing (TN ANG) (C-141B) (Memphis
 135th Airlift Group (MD ANG) (C-130J) (Glenn L
Martin AP, MD)
 109th Airlift Wing (NY ANG) (C-130H, C-26B)
(Schenectedy CAP, NY)
 118th Airlift Wing (TN ANG) (C-130H) (Nashville
 123rd Airlift Wing (KY ANG) (C-130H)
(Standiford Fd, KY)
 130th Airlift Wing (WV ANG) (C-130H) (Yeager
AP, Charleston, WV)
 133rd Airlift Wing (MN ANG) (C-130H)
(Minneapolis St Paul, MN)
 136th Airlift Wing (TX ANG) (C-130H) (NAS JRB
Fort Worth, TX)
 137th Airlift Wing (OK ANG) (C-130H) (Will
Rogers AP, Oklahoma City, OK)
 139th Airlift Wing (MO ANG) (C-130H)
(Rosecrans MAP, MO)
 145th Airlift Wing (NC ANG) (C-130H) (Charlotte
 153rd Airlift Wing (WY ANG) (C-130H)
(Cheyenne MAP, WY)
 165th Airlift Wing (GA ANG) (C-130H) (Savannah
 166th Airlift Wing (DE ANG) (C-130H) (Greater
Wilmington AP, DE)
 167th Airlift Wing (WV ANG) (C-130H)
(Martinsburgh AP, WV)
 179th Airlift Wing (OH ANG) (C-130H)
(Mansfield-Lahm AP, OH)
 152nd Airlift Wing (NV ANG) (C-130E/H) (Reno-
Tahoe IAP, NV)
 143rd Airlift Wing (RI ANG) (C-130E) (Quonsett
Point St AP, RI)
 146th Airlift Wing (CA ANG) (C-130E) (NAWS Pt
Magu, CA)
 182nd Airlift Wing (IL ANG) (C-130E) (Greater
Peoria AP, IL)
 107th Air Refueling Wing (NY ANG) (KC-135R)
(Niagara Falls AP, NY)
 117th Air Refueling Wing (AL ANG) (KC-135R)
(Birmingham MAP, AL)
 121st Air Refueling Wing (OH ANG) (KC-135R)
(Rickenbacker ANGB, OH)
 157th Air Refueling Wing (NH ANG) (KC-135R)
(Pease AFB, NH)
 163rd Air Refueling Wing (CA ANG) (KC-135R)
(March AFB, CA)
 184th Air Refueling Wing (KS ANG) (KC-135R)
(McConnell AFB, KS)
 186th Air Refueling Wing (MS ANG) (KC-135R,
C-26B) (Key Fd, Meridian, MS)
 101st Air Refueling Wing (ME ANG) (KC-135E)
(Bangor IAP, ME)
 108th Air Refueling Wing (NJ ANG) (KC-135E)
(McGuire AFB, NJ)
 126th Air Refueling Wing (IL ANG) (KC-135E)
(Chicago-O'Hare IAP, IL)
 134th Air Refueling Wing (TN ANG) (KC-135E)
(McGhee-Tyson AP, TN)
 141st Air Refueling Wing (WA ANG) (KC-135E,
C-26B) (Fairchild AFB, WA)
 151st Air Refueling Wing (UT ANG) (KC-135E)
(Salt Lake City IAP, UT)
 161st Air Refueling Wing (AZ ANG) (KC-135E)
(Phoenix-Sky Harbour AP, AZ)
 171st Air Refueling Wing (PA ANG) (KC-135E)
(Greater Pittsburgh IAP, PA)
 190th Air Refueling Wing (KS ANG) (KC-135D/E)
(Korbes Fd, Topeka, KS)
 Military Sealift Command (MSC) (Washington Navy Yard, DC)
 Sealift Logistics Command Atlantic (SEALOGLANT) (NB
Norfolk, VA)
 Sealift Logistics Command Pacific (SEALOGPAC) (NB
San Diego, CA)
 Military Sealift Command Europe (MSCEUR) (Naples,
 Military Sealift Command Central (MSCCENT) (Manama,
 Military Sealift Command Far East (COMSCFE)
(Yokohoma, Japan)
 Prepositioning Force
 Combat Prepositioning Force
 Afloat Prepositioning Ships Squadron Four
 Maritime Prepositioning Force
 Maritime Prepositioning Ship Squadron 1
 Maritime Prepositioning Ship Squadron 2
 Maritime Prepositioning Ship Squadron 3
 Sealift Force
 Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force
 Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC)
(Alexandria, VA)
 143rd Transportation Command (USAR) (Orlando, FL)
 7th Transportation Group (Composite) (Ft Eustis,
 32nd Transportation Group (Composite) (USAR)
(Tampa, FL)
 300th Transportation Group (Composite) (USAR)
(Butler, PA)
 336th Transportation Group (Composite) (USAR)
(Ft Sheridan, IL)
 375th Transportation Group (Composite) (USAR)
(Mobile, AL)
 1179th Deployment Support Brigade (USAR) (Ft
Hamilton, NY)
 1190th Deployment Support Brigade (USAR) (Baton
Rouge, LA)
 1394th Deployment Support Brigade (USAR) (Cp
Pendleton, CA)
 1176th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR)
(Baltimore, MD)
 1185th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR)
(Lancaster, PA)
 1192nd Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR) (New
Orleans, LA)
 1186th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR)
(Jacksonville, FL)
 1189th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR)
(Charleston, SC)
 1395th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR) (Seattle,
 1397th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR) (Mare
Island, CA)
 595th Transportation Terminal Group (Camp Spearhead
(Ash Shuaiba), Kuwait
 597th Transportation Terminal Group (Sunny Point, NC)
 598th Transportation Terminal Group (Rotterdam,
 599th Transportation Terminal Group (Wheeler AAF, HI)
Main Sources:
Army: Green Book 1998-1999/1999-2000/2001-2002/2002-2003/2003-2004
Arlington, VA: Association of the US Army, 1999-2004
United States Air Force: Yearbook 1999/2000/2001/2002
RAF Fairford, UK: RAF Benevolent Fund, 1999-2002.
Alexandria, VA:, 2002-2005.
Various other Web Sites.